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Oraginzing parts in the VAB

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Although the ability to create new categories for parts is awesome, I suggest adding the ability to sort items manually in the new categories, and maybe creating separators with names that span one line to keep things tidy. Also we should get a visual reminder in the stock categories that a part exists in a custom category. A "save/load" button for the custom categories would allow us to go into Sandbox mode, sort everything and then save/load those categories in a career play. Only when adding new mods would we need to do this again, with the new items clearly visible.

A debug/dev menu in the VAB would also simplify modding for the user. For example, right clicking a part to enable/disable a set of modules with custom values. In this way, a mod like "tweakscale" could be added per part and a new cfg file added to the mod's folder (or simply a new stock folder called VABTweaks). Currently, some mods are easy to add to parts but it means getting out of the game, finding the part with Notepad+, making a modulemanager config, etc. This takes time and most players don't even know they can mod the game themselves.

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