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4/10/15 Spacecraft Friday: The Atmospheric Edition

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The Atmospheric Edition

Who are you to decide this, I hear you asking, and here's the answer: No one. I am official in any way, shape, or form. If you're unhappy with my decision, we can work something out. This is just my opinion, since there's no objective way to judge "Quality" of crafts.

If anyone feels that their craft is missed because of any kind of time-zone difference, or any kind of difference in when spacecraft fridays is put up, tell me.

If your craft is really good and was made before, and someone posts in it within that week, then it will be considered. Just to clarify, I am not encouraging necros for the sake of bumping your craft.

Well, apparently it's my turn to showcase a few spacecraft for Spacecraft Friday. However, it's not exactly Friday...

Oh well! On with the show! :D

The craft I have chosen here are all aerospace and groundspace non-space spacecraft. In other (non-idiotic) words, craft that don't necessarily go into space.

As you may know, I really like to build and fly atmospheric aircraft and I especially love replicas. So today I will showcase the cool, quirky and downright amazing atmospheric spacecraft of the week.

Please remember,in my eyes, anything that is designed to work in the atmo or on the ground, is an atmospheric craft.


The Fokker Dr.I Triplane: The Red Baron's Ride

First up, we have a stock replica of the Fokker Dr.1 Triplane built by pTrevTrevs.

He has done a great job on the entire craft adding a cool open cockpit with cool detailing inside. It even has guns!



Happy Gas Fuel Station

Although a fuel station is not normally classed as a spacecraft, this one decided to put itself here.

The Happy Gas Fuel Station was built by Azimech so he could refuel his rovers and helicopters and is a cool addition to anyone's space center. The station is completely stock and fully functional (I assume) Also, that's a massive rover!! :cool:

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The Lamb Rovers

These are probably the cutest things ever built by pandoras kitten. Look at their little faces!

These little rovers are fully functional and look absolutely at home with those blue kerbals.

The best thing about these things is... Only 23 parts each! Time to farm some steel wool.



Now, we need some more aircraft...

Bell X-1 "Glamorous Glennis" and B-29 "Superfortress"

These two amazing replica aircraft were built by the creator of SCF, Mad Rocket Scientist, who has done a great job on recreating two iconic aircraft. Some very clever design techniques were used, and both aircraft look aesthetically stunning!



P-51D-1 Mustang - With Animated Propeller

This one is probably the most recent craft uploaded to the Spacecraft Exchange, but made it here because of the engineering challenges involved in its creation. It's not easy to make a small (1.25m) animated prop using stock parts, but ghostbuzzer7's Mustang replica has really raised the bar in small bearings and in KSP engineering.



Crane 2

Now, I absolutely love it when people who play KSP make usable and functional contraptions that move and turn and pivot using only stock parts. If you have ever tried to create a bearing in KSP, you will appreciate what david50517 has created for us.

This fully operational crane has the largest bearings I have ever seen in KSP, and he has use some really cool techniques to build it.



And finally, the finest and most detailed replica ever built in KSP.

The Das Boot; U-Boat Replica with Full Interior

There is really only one word for this creation: AMAZING! But I will try to find some more words...

This absolutely, positively fantastic replica was built by pTrevTrevs and must have taken an absolute age to build. With around 860 parts your computer will hate you, but your eyes will certainly never get enough of this detailed replica. The sub "can't move faster than a snails pace" (as claimed by the builder) but the high level of interior detail was previously unseen and unheard of in KSP. The entire ship has one big interior with carefully thought out rooms and compartments. I can't put all of the pics here so check out the forum thread and feast your eyes on the amazing detail. Oh, and did I mention it is completely stock? Well done pTrevTrevs.



It's so good it deserved two pics! :P

So there we have it. Another excellent week (and a bit) in the Kerbal Spacecraft Exchange. Thankyou for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have enjoyed looking at all the amazing craft showcased here today.

Please let me know what you think of this edition, and if there is anything that you think could be improved, please kindly let me know. :) Thanks to all of the builders who's craft made it here, and to those who may not have made it in. These choices were my personal opinion, and I don't mean to leave anyone out on purpose.

Thanks again and HAPPY FLYING!




I am aware that I have chosen two craft from the same builder which is breaking one of the maintainers rules. Please note that I checked with MRS if this was ok and he agreed that both craft deserved a place here. Thanks for showing an appreciation towards what I and the previous SCF writers have put together.


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Just making the Spacecraft Friday a bit more visible, and to thank the second a-bit-more-than-just-in-time maintainer ;) Also,m congrats to the featured. The crane in particular blew my mind a little.

Rune. Let's get back on schedule, shall we? At this rate we'll as regular as squadcast! :P

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