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Need some orbital EVA help

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Hey all, I'm having some issues rescuing Kerbals, mostly due to the transfer part.

Is it possible to keep the rescue craft highlight/distance readout always on?

Is it possible to reduce the EVA thrust?

At what distance do the EVA lights start working at?


Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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I believe the labels are controlled by distance, I'm sure there's a rule to edit for that solution but I don't know it and have never needed it, the labels appear fast enough out to not be a problem for me.

I know you can use caps lock in vehicles for fine controls but have not personally tried it with eva pack.

Not sure what you man by this question. I'm guessing your asking the range of the lights. I know is not far but I've never cared about the distance. Just test while on Eva with you ship ad target and check the distance readout as you approach.

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My issue right now is that I'm new and really cautious with EVA, so my once day side mission is now in the dark, and I can't see the rescue craft any more. My next step is to try an ambient light mod, but it'd still be nice to see my distance to the target. I will check on KER as well.

*Edit: Both the Ambient Light and KER worked well, KER kept the distance displayed which was great :D I like that addon more and more!

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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Hey all, I'm having some issues rescuing Kerbals, mostly due to the transfer part.

Is it possible to keep the rescue craft highlight/distance readout always on?

Is it possible to reduce the EVA thrust?

At what distance do the EVA lights start working at?


If you go into map mode and click on the target ship once you're on EVA you can select it as the target and the distance markers will stay on. Don't go too fast on EVA, you just need to tap the keys to adjust your velocity.It's been said that if you think you're moving on EVA you probably are, if you know you're moving you're going too fast.

Helmet lights are fairly short ranged, you'll start to illuminate an object at about 15m with good lighting at about 10m.

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For that matter, if you're more than about 100m away you get a target to aim for, and if you double-click on that target it ALSO selects that craft. This ends up being easier when you're trying to pick out the right craft from multiple close orbits.

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