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Transfer Some of the Reports

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In my game around the Mun I have built a science station. It has a Mun Lander, a Research station, and a Kerbin return pod.

The research station is currently full of data 500/500. The lander has 10 pieces of data, 6 of which have been sent to the research module and returned to the lander. 4 still have data that can be researched.

How can I transfer the 6 reports that have been loaded for research from the lander to the return pod, and leave the 4 in the lander for research when room opens up?

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I don't understand what the 500 data limit is in the research lab yet. But there is no limit to the number of reports you can store in a manned pod. Just do an EVA, go over to where the report is being stored (e.g. in the mystery goo or in the research lab), right click, grab the reports, and then get into which ever pod you want to store them.

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I don't know if an EVA-ed Kerbal can pick single pieces of science reports. If he only grabs all or nothing this might turn into a "collect 3 liters of water with a 5 liter and 8 liter bucket"-problem. But the usual way to transfer science reports is to EVA a Kerbal, move him to the part that has the reports in it, right.click the part, and select "Take data". Then move him to the target part, right-click, and select 'store data'.

I don't know if this answers the question. Maybe specify with a screenshot.

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