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Frustrated over solar panel animation issues!!

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So I'm having some issues with animating a solar panel. It animates just fine in Blender, but when I export it and try to play the animation in Unity, the model starts doing weird things. I've animated dozens of models in the past, and they all worked fine (well except for one, but I realized my mistake soon after).

Just as an FYI, here is what the hierarchy looks like in blender:


Anyways, what happens is, when I bring the .fbx file into Unity and do the usual stuff (set animation type to Legacy and all that jazz), I for some odd reason end up with 15-20 different clips instead of the 1 clip. When I try to preview the animation the model twists and contorts in all kinds of awkward ways. I am unsure as to why this is happening, but if anyone knows what the problem is (or rather what I am doing wrong), please enlighten me :)

Edited by liquidhype
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When you're exporting the FBX there is a checkbox with an option to save the animation as a single global animation or break it up into individual bits. You'll want it to be a global animation, and no I can't recall for the life of me precisely what the box is labeled. something to do with... "all animations".

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All actions. Mouse over it to figure out if it needs to be unchecked to get a global animation. I'm pretty sure it does.. I always uncheck everything in that section (Key All, NLA, All Actions) except baked animation, but I've only done two animations this way. The rest I've just done in Unity.

Edited by Randazzo
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Well I've had no luck so far regardless of how I export it. I've tried animating it in Blender and exporting using all kinds of export settings, I've tried animating it in Unity.. No luck. For some reason when I try to animate it in Unity, each of the parented objects gets twisted and contorted when I move or rotate one single object.

This is getting really frustrating. Never had this happen before. Anyone with solar panel experience who cares to share any thoughts?

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All actions. Mouse over it to figure out if it needs to be unchecked to get a global animation. I'm pretty sure it does.. I always uncheck everything in that section (Key All, NLA, All Actions) except baked animation, but I've only done two animations this way. The rest I've just done in Unity.

Yes, always uncheck "all actions". Leaving it checked seems to break everything.

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This is getting really frustrating. Never had this happen before. Anyone with solar panel experience who cares to share any thoughts?

Radiator panels are essentially the same thing. Sorry you didn't get it figured out.

If you unchecked the all actions, it should have fixed your multiple animations problem.

Edited by Randazzo
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