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Trying to make a custom planet, little help?


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SO, if anyone can help me with this....

Im trying to make a custom planet (with moons eventually) way out past eeloo

Whenever i try to load up KSP, it never does. I just keep getting a black screen and windows keeps saying its not responding etc.

Here is a copy of the cfg for my planet





name = Boreas

flightGlobalsIndex = 185



name = Tylo

removeOcean = true

removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap




referenceBody = Sun

inclination = 179.7900583091703

eccentricity = 3.51

semiMajorAxis = 18697299.57115366

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 92

argumentOfPeriapsis = 37

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0

color = 0,0,0




description = A small ice planet lost in time. Scientists first thought this was infact a nearby star, due to the amount of light it reflected, but after a higher definition telescope was used, it was discovered that Boreas was infact another planet.

radius = 275641

geeASL = 0.708

rotationPeriod = 42700

rotates = true

tidallyLocked = false

initialRotation = 0

isHomeWorld = false

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 80000 80000 80000 120000 240000 480000 600000



splashedDataValue = 6

landedDataValue = 6

flyingLowDataValue = 7

flyingHighDataValue = 6.5

inSpaceLowDataValue = 5

inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5

recoveryValue = 6

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 220000


biomeMap = Boreas/Boreas/Boreas_biome.png





name = Kalpicia Glaciers

value = 1.0

color = 255,0,0,0




name = Impact Craters

value = 1.0

color = 255,255,255,0




ambientColor = 0.76078,0.69803,0.50196,1

lightColor = 0.48549,0.49245,0.53720,1 // shader.invWaveLength = Color( 1 / r^4, 1 / g^4, 1 / b^4, 0.5);

albedo = 0.52

enabled = false

oxygen = false

altitude = 0



key = 0 303.975 -4.06308E-02 -4.06308E-02

key = 4000 141.4518 -2.865E-02 -2.865E-02

key = 8000 74.775 -1.25981775E-02 -1.25981775E-02

key = 12000 40.66638 -6.593355E-03 -6.593355E-03

key = 16000 22.02816 -3.422445E-03 -3.422445E-03

key = 20000 13.28682 -1.8002925E-03 -1.8002925E-03

key = 24000 7.62582 -1.166055E-03 -1.166055E-03

key = 28000 3.95838 -7.23015E-04 -7.23015E-04

key = 32000 1.8417 -3.9063E-04 -3.9063E-04

key = 36000 0.83334 -1.688625E-04 -1.688625E-04

key = 40000 0.4908 -6.04875E-05 -6.04875E-05

key = 44000 0.34944 -3.16575E-05 -3.16575E-05

key = 48000 0.23754 -2.469E-05 -2.469E-05

key = 52000 0.15192 -1.85325E-05 -1.85325E-05

key = 56000 0.08928 -1.31925E-05 -1.31925E-05

key = 60000 0.04638 -8.6775E-06 -8.6775E-06

key = 64000 0.01986 -4.9725E-06 -4.9725E-06

key = 68000 0.0066 -2.1E-06 -2.1E-06

key = 72000 0.00306 -6.825E-07 -6.825E-07

key = 76000 0.00114 -3.825E-07 -3.825E-07

key = 80000 0 -2.85E-07 -2.85E-07


pressureCurveIsNormalized = false

temperatureSeaLevel = 395



key = 0 450 -0.00802083375 -0.00802083375

key = 9600 331.8011257 -0.0011360735 -0.0011325715

key = 16800 331.8011257 0.0011325715 0.0011325715

key = 24800 416.2288931 0.000619018 0.000619018

key = 44800 416.2288931 -0.000853660375 -0.000853660375

key = 64000 287.2846666 -0.0011360735 -0.0011360735

key = 72000 287.2846666 0.000592218125 0.000592218125

key = 80000 353.2918301 0.000868255125 0.000868255125

key = 120000 0 -0.000562011375 -0.000562011375


temperatureCurveIsNormalized = false

temperatureLapseRate = 0.001



key = 0 1 0 0

key = 6153.846154 0.5 -0.000075 -0.000128306125

key = 6780.941539 0 0 0

key = 12346.44923 0 0 0

key = 29138.03077 0.2 0 0

key = 44184.71385 0.2 0 0

key = 56178.21535 0 0 0

key = 80000 0.4 0 0


adiabaticIndex = 1.20016284302591

gasMassLapseRate = 2.04291043733601

atmosphereMolarMass = 0.035982203485




type = Atmospheric

fadeStart = 110000

fadeEnd = 140000



texture = Boreas/Boreas/Boreas_color

normals = Boreas/Boreas/Boreas_height

shininess = 1

specular = 0,0,0,0

// Atmosphere settings

rimPower = 2.06

rimBlend = 0.3

// Atmosphere color ramp texture



0.0 = 0.7607,0.6980,0.4313,1

0.4 = 0.7607,0.6980,0.4901,1

0.6 = 0.7607,0.6980,0.5490,1

0.8 = 0.0588,0.0588,0.1568,1

1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1






maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03

minLevel = 2

maxLevel = 12

minDetailDistance = 8

pqsFadeStart = 130000

pqsFadeEnd = 170000

materialType = AtmosphericOptimized



saturation = 1

contrast = 1.6

tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000

powerNear = 0.6

powerFar = 0.3

groundTexStart = 0

groundTexEnd = 5000

steepPower = 2

steepTexStart = 0

steepTexEnd = 50000

steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00

steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2

steepNearTiling = 8000

steepTiling = 500

lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround

lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet

lowNearTiling = 4000

lowMultiFactor = 100

lowBumpNearTiling = 4000

lowBumpFarTiling = 4000

midTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00

midBumpMap = BUILTIN/SandyGround

midNearTiling = 4000

midMultiFactor = 100

midBumpNearTiling = 4000

midBumpFarTiling = 4000

highTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround

highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet

highNearTiling = 4000

highMultiFactor = 100

highBumpNearTiling = 4000

highBumpFarTiling = 4000

lowStart = 0

lowEnd = 0.3

highStart = 0.7

highEnd = 1

globalDensity = 0

fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient






map = Boreas/Boreas_Color.dds

enabled = false

order = 500




map = Boreas/Boreas/Boreas_height

offset = 0

deformity = 4500

scaleDeformityByRadius = false

enabled = true

order = 20




atmosphereDepth = 10000

invert = false

enabled = true

order = 999999999




seed = 94237927

deformity = 1200

octaves = 16

persistence = 0.4

frequency = 6

enabled = true

order = 21




seed = 43186434

deformity = 700

octaves = 8

persistence = 0.8

frequency = 12

enabled = true

order = 30




noiseType = RiggedMultifractal

deformity = 1350

ridgedAddSeed = 92347927

ridgedAddFrequency = 22

ridgedAddLacunarity = 2

ridgedAddOctaves = 8

ridgedSubSeed = 34349823

ridgedSubFrequency = 12

ridgedSubLacunarity = 2

ridgedSubOctaves = 6

ridgedMode = Low

simplexHeightStart = 0

simplexHeightEnd = 1600

simplexSeed = 64327467

simplexOctaves = 6

simplexPersistence = 0.60000002384185791

simplexFrequency = 12

enabled = true

order = 12




seed = 82937498

blend = 0.4

colorStart = 0.76078,0.69803,0.50196,1

colorEnd = 0,0,0,1

octaves = 6

persistence = 0.60000002384185791

frequency = 12

enabled = true

order = 200






If you can help me with errors, or paste the correct version, it will be heavily appreciated

(yes there are indents in the actual cfg, but it wont put them in here

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