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[Stock 0.15 & D.A. Plugin] Excalibur Exoatmospheric: Ko-AXE Coaxial Helicopter.

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Excalibur Exoatmospheric Proudly Presents:

EE Ko-AXE Coaxial Helicopter

Here we go, thirty minutes in the making; I present the Ko-AXE.

Totally stock aside from the Damned Aerospace plugin it can be flown entirely without SAS. To aid in controllability it has a small wing forward, and large canard tail surfaces but no RCS.

Although it is very definitely flyable as you can see, it\'s still a bit of a b*****d to fly and will devour great sods of earth should you allow it.

On take-off only use very low throttle settings, or you\'ll end up like a stuck turtle. You have been warned! Enjoy!


Craft file attached.

Let me know what you think, plus if you manage to improve it - particularly it\'s vertical landing characteristics.

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