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NASA's permanent Mars colony plan

Soda Popinski

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I know, I'm just saying it will probably not happen.

Technology tends to advance exponentially. After the first steam locomotives were built around the year 1800, it only took a hundred years before the Wright brothers achieved flight. 50 years later, Gagarin became the first human to orbit the earth. 30 years after that, TCP/IP became the standard protocol for computer networking (A very significant event so one could say that's when the internet as we know it was born).

15 years is a long time. Anything can happen.

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Technology tends to advance exponentially. After the first steam locomotives were built around the year 1800, it only took a hundred years before the Wright brothers achieved flight. 50 years later, Gagarin became the first human to orbit the earth. 30 years after that, TCP/IP became the standard protocol for computer networking (A very significant event so one could say that's when the internet as we know it was born).

15 years is a long time. Anything can happen.

In 15 years we'll have much faster computers and slightly better rockets. Mars will still cost a fortune.

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In 15 years we'll have much faster computers and slightly better rockets. Mars will still cost a fortune.

Better idea to colonize underground, ocran and LEO, (and Antarctic, post 2041) and have further expansion into the Arctic, including places like Greenland and the Canadian and Russian Arctic Islands.

Moon, maybe within the next 50-100 years.

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