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Rolling the dice again - I don't like the resource distribution of Duna


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So in my career mode, my Duna flottilla has all arrived, and I've made a total of 4 landings on Duna, getting surface ore scans for high, mid, and lowlands...

I wanted to land my surface hab on a place that is:

* Low

* Flat

* has at least some ore

* preferably in a feature that looks like it was made from water,


* preferably not very far from the face on Duna.

* preferably near the equator

So far, to satisfy the "has at least some ore condition", I have to completely give up on the other conditions except sort of the close to the face of Duna.

I'd like to re-roll the ore distribution... because flying in more ore to the base from some other area of Duna/from Ike is going to be a pain.

How can I go about doing this?

I'm worried about what sort of ore I'm going to find on Laythe too (my probe is still in transit)

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To roll the dice again - you search for GameSeed under ResourceScenario in your save file. That's your dice value.

Your call if it's legit to reroll.

And seems you can't just change one body - it's a global random seed and once you change, you change all distribution on all planets.

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Would I then need to re-scan all the bodies, retake biome samples, etc?

So far that only risks disrupting my minmus surface base, and the places I land on the Mun to extract Ore.

The minmus surface base is mobile enough to move it all in that low gravity... so....

As to being Legit...

Well, I've already landed on all 3 non-polar biomes... in terms of funds or science it makes no difference now, aside from my personal romping around on duna for RP and Lulz.

My surface base would look nicer if the miner was right there, all the time, rather than making suborbital hops to the base to supply it.... also... then I wouldn't have to make any suborbital hops

What if I just changed Ore.cfg, and added a specific defnition for Duna lowlands like this?



ResourceName = Ore

ResourceType = 0

PlanetName = Duna

BiomeName = Lowlands



PresenceChance = 100

MinAbundance = 5

MaxAbundance = 15

Variance = 2

Dispersal = 3



Is that the name of the lowlands biome for duna? I can't find a file listing the names.

also... I'm not quite sure what variance and dispersal do....

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>Would I then need to re-scan all the bodies, retake biome samples, etc?

Not sure - I tried change its value once upon a time, and it did change the concentration, but I didn't do it for real in my save and didn't test thoroughly. I believe orbital scan should be fine, but surface data might need manual update.

>What if I just changed Ore.cfg

Well that's not reroll the dice - you're changing the dice...

>Is that the name of the lowlands biome for duna?

I have not tried, but the biome name in this file sounds exactly the same as what KER shows. So just copy the string from what KER shows (case-sensitive, just in case), try it and see what happens.

>I'm not quite sure what variance and dispersal do....

My guess is that dispersal decides what the concentration a biome gets in average, and variance decides the local concentration at a specific location. Don't count me on that - probably one of Roverdude's thread somewhere in this forum might give you a much better answer, as he wrote this system, I believe.

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"Well that's not reroll the dice - you're changing the dice..."

Yea, I'm rolling loaded dice... it will still not be clear where the base location will be... unless I did this:


PresenceChance = 100

MinAbundance = 14

MaxAbundance = 15

Variance = 0

Dispersal = 0


Maybe that would give me uniform high quality ore deposits throughout the lowlands?

Nah... I'll take the weighted random... I wanted it to be a bit of a challenge to get to a specific "good" colony site, where the pressure is higher to minimize decompression risks, where the temperature is warmer... where there are itneresting geological features...

The problem is no such site exists in my save.

If you think about it... the lowlands are where the water would have been last on Duna (and they pressure ant temperature get high enough that water should be able to exist there)... and water/water ice is great "Ore" for making LF and oxidizer... it would seem to me that the lowlands and poles would be the best places to look for "ore"

I do have ore at the poles in my save... but the poles are too cold for my colony (RP reasons here, not actually any gameplay challenge to establishing a colony in one of the places that does have ore)

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