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Clouds(otherthings too) should come to stock

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I might make some adjustments to this list, as I've forgotten a good deal of things I thought up in game (usually when something went wrong) that I think the majority of people who play KSP would like. So please let me know if im wrong lol

SO the only thing(s) I can remember atm:

Clouds should come to stock ksp. The realism mods are out there, but my game is buggy enough already to not want to press my luck, and I only use KIS/KAS, Engineer and Claws stock bug fixes

Landing gear deployed should incur a drag penalty

(10 min later)

AH yes, a dedicated fuel system, although I would accept at lest the ability to open/close fuel tanks with hot keys.

Staging and fuel displays inside command module to improve usability during IVA

Edited by fireblade274
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  fireblade274 said:
Clouds should come to stock ksp.

I agree, but I'm obligated to point out that weather effects are on the What Not To Suggest list. It's been suggested a lot, and Squad has alluded to looking at a graphical overhaul down the road so it's a possibility.

Landing gear deployed should incur a drag penalty

They do.

AH yes, a dedicated fuel system, although I would accept at lest the ability to open/close fuel tanks with hot keys.

What do you mean by "a dedicated fuel system". I'd love action groupable tank activation, but what was your preferred solution?

Staging and fuel displays inside command module to improve usability during IVA

Agreed. The same instrumentation should be available in both modes.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
The same instrumentation should be available in both modes.

This would be great. I've long wanted to play KSP completely in first person. At least as an experiment. Sure, you can fly to the Mun in IVA, but I'd love to go on EVA in first person, and have it be one smooth transition.

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i would hope stock never gets clouds, it would be a clunky system that slows the game

even disabling current mechanics still slows the game when i don't even use them

for the fuel hotkeys, tank lock mod, very lightweight, and i doubt building it into stock would help anything (aside from being decent idea)

as for IVA, i doutb anything will beat RPM mod for a long while - keep in mind the displays are generic defaults, custom ones can and have been made to look far better

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When I say a dedicated fuel system, I don't even know what I mean atm lol. But maybe something that lets you Exactly specify the order that tanks are drained from. The game has its own fancy set of rules, and attaching a fuel line from one thing to the next in a complicated fuel setup does not necessarily mean fuel will draw in that order. I'm thinking of something that lets you click on one tank and then click on the next and so on to determine fuel draw order I guess, maybe even with its own new HUD interface, but like I said action group activation seems like a clear and simple way to accomplish expanded fuel-flow mgmt

Another thing I would like to see is an upgrade that carves out a part of the mountain range leading up to Runway 90; this would make returning spacecraft (primarily using Wheezley engines that need to stay low) to not have to go around them during approach. Idk I would really like it

One more thing off the top of my head; dedicated float parts would be cool, I haven't really experimented with the intakes yet; I know they apparently work good but dedicated floats could be a nice addition, further expanding boat design aspects and amphibious spacecraft. With all the cool new jet engines coming out a stock turbo prop would be nice too!

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  fireblade274 said:

Clouds should come to stock ksp. The realism mods are out there, but my game is buggy enough already to not want to press my luck, and I only use KIS/KAS, Engineer and Claws stock bug fixes

I agree!

I think KSP is built on to basic goals:

1. the fun of buliding awesome rockets and the satisfaction of experiencing them when they work (and blow up).

2. Progression by unlocking new parts, Seeing your space program expanding and by exploring space.

For me, 1. Is just a tool of how to experience 2. My goal is to actualy build a space program and overcome some of the same obstacles that real spaceprograms are, and will in the future.

Two of those obstacles are actualy not possible in stock as it is now. (Pre 1.0.5)

The first obstacle is communication with probes. My solution until now has been remotetech2. We all now this will arrive in v1.1 so I am very happy about that.

The second obstacle has to do with science. Venus has an atmosphere which we can't see through with our naked eye. It has clouds! Atmospheres is already included, but not clouds, and I think it is just reasonable to implement clouds to give another layer of exploration. Landing on EvE when you can't se the ground should feel like gambling and be very dangerous. Also, Kerbin just look naked without them. For me the game isn't complete without them. Many no-gamers that I have showed KSP to askes me where the clouds are.

I applaud The devs for bringing communication to a new level in KSP. Now I realy hope they will give clouds and ScanSat (mapping satellites) another look.

And yes, it should be a option to turn it of by going with the "easy" level.

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  Boiler1 said:
I don't see a need for clouds. They would just impede my view of my craft during ascent and decent.

If you don't like them, you can turn them off. I'm sure you wouldn't mind them being there once you reach orbit though.

  Red Iron Crown said:
I agree, but I'm obligated to point out that weather effects are on the What Not To Suggest list. It's been suggested a lot, and Squad has alluded to looking at a graphical overhaul down the road so it's a possibility.

Sorry if this sounds abrasive, but "clouds" are just common sense a flight sim. Wind, rain, lightning, snow, dust storms... THAT is weather. Not clouds. You don't even need to be in the atmosphere to enjoy them.

Edited by vger
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  vger said:
Sorry if this sounds abrasive, but "clouds" are just common sense a flight sim. Wind, rain, lightning, snow, dust storms... THAT is weather. Not clouds. You don't even need to be in the atmosphere to enjoy them.

Clouds are weather, I agree they should be in the game, but the reason they are on that list is not because it shouldn't be in the game or because Squad has said they don't want to do it (some of the other items are there for that reason). They are on the list because it has been suggested so many times it starts to pollute the suggestion forums. Squad knows we want clouds, we don't need to keep telling them.

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  EasyAce said:
ScanSat (mapping satellites)

Oh, and about this. Preferably if it can give truly detailed information about a the topography of a given location. Preferably also allowing you to select an appropriate place to land.

Maybe it's not a problem at super-high detail and stereovision, but one of my biggest pet peeves with the game right now is the following.

From 20000m: That looks like a nice flat place to land.

From 1000m: This is going to be sweet.

From 100m: Oh great, I'm trying to land on a cliff.

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