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Boot Up Time. When power is restored systems need some time to power up.


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Title says it all.

Since we have all been the situation when some battery powered gadget runs out of power, the first thing we do is put it on the charger. Of course we can't use the gadget until it receives minimum power, and then it takes sometime to for the gadget to power up.

Another example would be a computer booting up, it is not instantenous.

So what is the idea of this?

When power goes to zero for a while or effective power is zero (Like when batteries are locked). When power is restored or when a batteries power is opened; how about a "boot up" time to let the spacecraft power up to full systems. Obviously there should differences between command modules, a Cubesat is going to have less of boot time than a large remote gudiance unit or even a space station.

So I have devised a formula to solve this based on electric charge. Since it would be right to assume the more electrical charge a spacecraft carriers the more complex the systems are.


Where Bt= Boot time E=Electric Charge and M=mass. Mass can determine how long a computer system boots up, for example a home computer is a lot less massive then the Supercomputers that dot the world. 1/5 of Electrical capicty is to allow mass to play apart in boot time.

Kerbals can lower the boot time by this formula.


Where K is the amount of Kerbals onboard.

All in all this might a lot of fluff for such a simple concept that could be worked around easily. But nevertheless it could add another piece of the realism puzzle since spacecraft are known to "power down to standby mode."

Oh boy Standby mode...yep I just going to leave it there.

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