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New Koogle X Prize

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I have decided to set up a much more advanced version of the Koogle X prize. I will be adding a technology tree of my own as well.


1. Each player starts off with 5000

2. Each player gets 1 turn per-day

3. In a turn you may do 3 things of your choice.

4. Must use zoxygen on manned flights

5. When A rocket is built, PM it to me, I will tell you the price.

6. Each achievment gets you a different number of points (You\'ll see later in this read)

7. Bases must contain 3 parts.

8. Person with the most achievments and money win.

Technology tree:

Compressed fuel: Allows you to use small fuel tanks

Thrust vectoring: Allows you to use all thrust vectoring engines,

ASAS: Allows you to use the ASAS

Robotics: Allows you to use landing legs

Black Market: Allows you to use mods (Other than zoxygen)

Compressed fuel 2 (2 turns): May let you double the amount of fuel in a tank (CFG edit)


Flight: Allows you to use plane parts


Orbit: 1000

Munar Orbit: 1700

Minmus Orbit: 1500

Minmus Landing: 2000

Munar landing: 2500

Minmus base: 3500

Munar Base: 3000

Achievment Rules:

May do orbit immediately

2 turns until Munar orbit

3 turns until Minmus orbit

8 turns until Minmus Landing

10 turns until Munar landing

17 turns until Munar base

20 turns until Minmus base

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I said PM me the rocket guys. A normal fuel tank costs about 300 Go from there.

Actually put effort into your posts. Seriously, the reason nobody is doing the challenge is because you did a horrible job setting it up. Hell, you didn\'t even give prices in the OP!

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Actually put effort into your posts. Seriously, the reason nobody is doing the challenge is because you did a horrible job setting it up. Hell, you didn\'t even give prices in the OP!

One time, I did a pricing thing. Then people said it was too complicated. I cant list EVERY SINGLE MOD part.

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One time, I did a pricing thing. Then people said it was too complicated. I cant list EVERY SINGLE MOD part.

Then make it stock. Either go all the way or don\'t make a thread and waste space/ everyone\'s time.

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