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Bittersweet worries of x64

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As much as I am delighted with the announcement that KSP 1.1 will be 64-bit, I am also worried because I found a few posts which state that the memory footprint of vanilla KSP will increase due to programming mumbo jumbo. I play KSP on a 6GB (of RAM) laptop, and I'm worried that I'll have to buy a new computer, or venture into the dangerous seas of laptop upgrading.

Should I be worried?

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I wouldn't be too concerned. Stock hasn't even reached the 4GB limit yet, it's doubtful they will get to 6.

Also if they keep re-doing the parts the memory footprint will probably go down, if PorkJet is doing them correctly (which I haven't looked to be honest). The way it currently is each part has it's own texture for the old parts Nova made. If PorkJet is doing it right, he is reusing similar textures rather than all new ones. Ven's Stock Part Revamp is a great example of this, they look better and have a smaller footprint than stock, a lot of this is due to the fact his tanks match within their respective size range, so they all use the same textures over again. Less textures means less memory. Given all the Mk2 parts all look alike as well as the Mk1 and the Mk3 which all look like other parts in the range, I sure hope that is what he is doing.

The only people who complain about a lack of 64 bit (present company included) like to mod, and mod a lot.

Edited by Alshain
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I wouldn't be too concerned. Stock hasn't even reached the 4GB limit yet, it's doubtful they will get to 6.

Also if they keep re-doing the parts the memory footprint will probably go down, if PorkJet is doing them correctly (which I haven't looked to be honest). The way it currently is each part has it's own texture for the old parts Nova made. If PorkJet is doing it right, he is reusing similar textures rather than all new ones. Ven's Stock Part Revamp is a great example of this, they look better and have a smaller footprint than stock, a lot of this is due to the fact his tanks match within their respective size range, so they all use the same textures over again. Less textures means less memory. Given all the Mk2 parts all look alike as well as the Mk1 and the Mk3 which all look like other parts in the range, I sure hope that is what he is doing.

The only people who complain about a lack of 64 bit (present company included) like to mod, and mod a lot.

Thanks for a quick and argumented reply!

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