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Real time machines!


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We do not even need a "machine" to travel forward or back in time. Any time you cross a time zone you change the time you are in. We can even travel back a YEAR already! Some people time travel daily! The most common "machine" we use are airplanes, but above us, astronauts travel through time without trying!

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well considering time is just another dimension you could travel in it as fast or slow as you want the main problem is skipping time- like you cant skip through space it's highly unlikely you can skip across time. Now for traveling forward in time you could either be in a strong enough gravitational well or travel at a significant fraction of C for "forward time travel" it's not really time travel as you'll be passing through it like everybody else but experience it slower, now to go back in time- it's theoretically possible but the only method i know for it is traveling faster then light and for that you'd need your mass to be an imaginary number and if you manage that please let the world know (if you even succeed in getting detected)

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Don't know why this just popped into my head, but I suddenly want to do a realistic parody of BTTF where they test the DeLorean by jumping forward for six months, then they emerge in outerspace and discover they orbiting in opposition with the Earth.


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Don't know why this just popped into my head, but I suddenly want to do a realistic parody of BTTF where they test the DeLorean by jumping forward for six months, then they emerge in outerspace and discover they orbiting in opposition with the Earth.


Considering a DeLorean is not space worthy, this would end badly lol.

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Don't know why this just popped into my head, but I suddenly want to do a realistic parody of BTTF where they test the DeLorean by jumping forward for six months, then they emerge in outerspace and discover they orbiting in opposition with the Earth.

Wait, so does it keep its position relative to the sun?

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Wait, so does it keep its position relative to the sun?

That does raise a good question, what is it's starting and ending positions measured relative to? The sun, the galactic center, the great attractor, what?

After all, there are no privileged frames of reference, so, after seeing the movie again, it seems that their ending position is relative to the section of the earth they started out on.

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