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Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce my latest creation, FatSSTO. She's Fat in name only. With a TWR of 1.83 and 4k [Vac] delta V on Kerbin's surface, she'll get you to LKO (tested at 84k) with over 500 delta V to spare. She carries 16 passengers and after refueling, she can go anywhere with her 4k delta V.

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In the attached album I launched directly to rendezvous (84k) with a stranded Kerbal, at closest approach (about 60m), I EVA'ed the stranded Kerbal over to FatSSTO to join the tourists and trainees on board. Sorry I didn't think to take screen shots of the ascent, but I got the rendezvous... I then rendezvous'ed with my LKO 150 Von Braun Ring (from Rune - thanks Rune!) and took ALL the fuel it had! From there I went to the Mun and landed at the Neil Armstrong memorial to satisfy half a dozen Mun and Minimus course/rally contracts (this batch of tourists got lucky!). Then I re-orbited Mun and am transferring to Min - about 2k delta V left. At Min, I will land, plant flags, take off, escape Kerbin for as short a time as possible (ahead of Kerbin's orbit this time!) and then return to Kerbin. This ship is awesome if I do say so myself! She is fitted with plenty of chutes to land safely, and makes an excellent rescue, tourism, and training shuttle.


Download the craft HERE


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