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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  Glaucus said:
Am I blind? Or is there no target pro/retrograde in smart a.s.s or is it hurried in another section.

If not can we have it please.

Also loving version 2.

It's under TGT, there you find the 6 buttons relating to a selected target.

Also is it me or does it not save landing coordinates?

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Hey guys,

So I have this problem with MechJeb 2. Everything used to be fine, I pop the little MechJeb 2 control module thing on my craft and boom, I have the MechJeb 2 tab on launch and everything is great. Recently however, if I put the MechJeb 2 control module on any craft, on launch I do not get the tab. Moreover the MechJeb 2 module itself appears to be off (the little red light is shining). I don't have a clue how to turn it on now that its not on automatically. What gives!? Am I being stupid?

Note that MechJeb 1 works just fine. I pop it on any craft, its green light shines and I get the MechJeb 1 tab.

I can't work it out!


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  Orphican said:
If your talking about the bug I posted a pic of on page 115 then try not to alt-tab away from the game while it is loading. Simple but it seems to work though I have not a clue as to why.

That worked, strange. Thanks!

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Just wanted to drop in here and add a MechJeb 2.0 tip for anyone who might be interested:

If you, like me, hate launching your planetary probes into orbit only to find that you have to wait 47 days -- at 50x warp -- until your Hohmann transfer node lines up, there is a way to fix that (besides launching into a ridiculously high orbit so you can use maximum warp).

The secret: you can set rendezvous-with-target nodes.... on the launchpad.

Say I want to send a probe to Duna. I target Duna, then use the maneuver planner to set a Hohmann transfer to target. I don't really care about this node -- it's basically just a placeholder for the eventual final transfer node. What it does, though, is provide a node in the future at roughly the proper time for a transfer.

Next, I fire up the helpful warp helper. I go to "warp to next maneuver node"... and set the lead time to be an hour. Then, warp.

Now, I do two things. First, you DELETE the transfer node. You don't need or want it. Then, you launch into your desired orbit.

Once you're in your desired Kerbin orbit, bring up the maneuver planner (make sure you're still targeting Duna or whatever planet you're transferring to), and set a new Hohmann transfer to target.

Voila, your time to the node should be some number less than an hour. (For me, it's usually been about 45 minutes or so.) Which takes far less time to warp to at 50x.

This is basically like using Protractor to wait until the theta is right; you're just letting MechJeb do all the work.

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MechJeb 2 has trouble landing on Gilly probably because Gilly terrain map is km above its "surface". Despite this it is possible to use MechJeb to dock with a base (or kethane miner) on Gilly without having to do any "Manuel" flying. Here how to do it:

1. Have a base/ship on Gilly already with a docking port on top, preferably have it relatively level and on a peak of a hill on Gilly (the only likely places to get close to level attitude)

2. Set mechjeb to land a ship at the coordinates of your base

3. Once below 8000 m have mechjeb "Match velocities" with your target base using Rendezvous Guidance.

4. Have mechjab "get closer", again using Rendezvous Guidance.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your ~100 m roughly above your base

6. Activate Docking Autopilot

- to reduce monopropellent usage you can deactivate docking autopilot when you are directly above the base and use your engines to reduce fall speed again using "Match velocities" then reactive Docking autopilot when your just a few meters above.

* Docking magnetism can pull a base off the ground, anyone know of some asteroid landing gear mod that hook on to the ground? Any-ways just switch to the base and have it fire its attitude control thrusters away from your approaching ship in the final second of docking so that its not pull off the ground.

Edited by RuBisCO
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Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me figure out a problem I've been having with MechJeb 2.0.7. Basically I'm just trying to use the landing guidance tool to land at the coordinates I received from my Kethane probe on Mun. The problem is, MechJeb refuses to even attempt a de-orbit burn, it just gets stuck on "Executing Low Orbit Plane Change of about 0 m/s" I've tried multiple different ships thinking maybe it was something in the design of my lander, but to no avail. It wouldn't be so bad if I could see Mun's coords on the orbit map and plan a de-orbit maneuver myself.

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  rbneville said:
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me figure out a problem I've been having with MechJeb 2.0.7. Basically I'm just trying to use the landing guidance tool to land at the coordinates I received from my Kethane probe on Mun. The problem is, MechJeb refuses to even attempt a de-orbit burn, it just gets stuck on "Executing Low Orbit Plane Change of about 0 m/s" I've tried multiple different ships thinking maybe it was something in the design of my lander, but to no avail. It wouldn't be so bad if I could see Mun's coords on the orbit map and plan a de-orbit maneuver myself.

If you're typing the location in manually I think that is still bugged. I have never been able to get that to work. You will need to use the Map function in MJ's landing Ap to find the location you want click it then let it land at those coordinates. So far it's the only way I have been able to get the Landing AP to work properly.

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  HGGundamReviews said:
If you're typing the location in manually I think that is still bugged. I have never been able to get that to work. You will need to use the Map function in MJ's landing Ap to find the location you want click it then let it land at those coordinates. So far it's the only way I have been able to get the Landing AP to work properly.

You good sir are awesome. I did not think about using MechJebs map and it works. Thank you.

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Please Please consider taking OUT the global auto stage setting, it is a real pain in the butt..

Forgetting to turn it off and docking with my station results in everything joining together into one BIG stage as soon as I undock :(

If I do not turn it on at all and do staging manually from liftoff I do not have this problem.

Maybe put something in the settings (like you have with the transparency setting) that allows people to choose whether to have global auto stage or not :)

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  Itsdavyjones said:
Going faster then terminal velocity just wastes fuel, so by limiting to terminal velocity, you get a more fuel efficient flight.

Thanks :) I thought it has something to do with the terminal orbital speed. That's why I didn't understand.

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Moving between moons with MJ isn't possible that I have found. You need to break the Mun's orbit and get back into a orbit around kerbin then use the Hohmann Transfer to Minmus. If there is another way of using MJ 2.0.7 do to this I haven't found it. Or you could do it manually, Just watch the horizon as you orbit and when you see Minmus begin to rise burn to prograde till you break orbit and get a encounter.

Edited by HGGundamReviews
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  RuBisCO said:
In "SmartASS" is there a way I can get my ships to point toward the sun at all times?

If you're orbiting the Sun yes, click the button marked "RAD -" it will point you to the Sun. If you are orbiting a planet or moon, there is no automatic way of doing it.

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  HGGundamReviews said:
Moving between moons with MJ isn't possible that I have found. You need to break the Mun's orbit and get back into a orbit around kerbin then use the Hohmann Transfer to Minmus. If there is another way of using MJ 2.0.7 do to this I haven't found it. Or you could do it manually, Just watch the horizon as you orbit and when you see Minmus begin to rise burn to prograde till you break orbit and get a encounter.

The interplanetary transfer mode should work to go from a moon to another too.

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When this game is finished, and MechJeb as a mod is polished, the designers and programers should make this part of their resume for aerospace engineering companies. This sort of calculating autopilot is perfect for the sort of autonomous programs that drive sats. (Just my 2 cents)

EDIT: same goes to the ORDA mod.

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  Simplicity said:
Please Please consider taking OUT the global auto stage setting, it is a real pain in the butt..

Forgetting to turn it off and docking with my station results in everything joining together into one BIG stage as soon as I undock :(

If I do not turn it on at all and do staging manually from liftoff I do not have this problem.

Maybe put something in the settings (like you have with the transparency setting) that allows people to choose whether to have global auto stage or not :)

Or atleast if it wouldn't still fire chutes <.<

I wish it'd only auto stage chutes if these would also be decoupled at the same time.

  Mekan1k said:
When this game is finished, and MechJeb as a mod is polished, the designers and programers should make this part of their resume for aerospace engineering companies. This sort of calculating autopilot is perfect for the sort of autonomous programs that drive sats. (Just my 2 cents)

EDIT: same goes to the ORDA mod.

I think NASA has better software at their disposal. Or SpaceX. :P

Edit: there's also a small bug with the staging calculation, if you fire 3 engines in stage 2, and drop 2 in stage 1 (think LRBs) stage one is guessed to have 0 thrust if there sepratrons for the 2 engines in stage 1.

Edited by BloodyRain2k
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