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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  romanguy said:
Is this for .19 or .19.1 because it doesnt seem to be working for .19.1

It is working for .19.1 . Try the latest dev build.

  qeveren said:
I'm wondering if certain MechJeb in-game settings should have their own window, instead of being scattered about the various other tool windows? For example, "Auto-Stage" on the Ascent Guidance tool, if checked, continues to operate even when the guidance isn't active, meaning it will just fire all your stages when you dock with another vessel (really annoying with my escape pod parachutes). Or "(Velocity) Tolerance" in the Maneuver Planner affecting basically every other tool, such as Rendezvous Guidance. Having all of these collected in their own small window one could leave open for easy access would be delightful. :)

This is what the "Custom window editor" is for. You want any option or combination of options in a window? Make it so. :)

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  HGGundamReviews said:
@r4m0n and The _Duck, I installed 2.0.7-35 to test it out. It makes my game unplayable. Planets I'm orbiting or landed on physically disappear and make those ships or landers inoperable. Kerbin turns into giant blue globe of light and Mun, Minmus, Duna vanish totally as if their physical models are removed from the game.

I put existing 2.0.7 back in and it all worked fine again. So um serious bug there.

I have just had this issue as well. This is not a vanilla issue. I'm using a few other mods, including the docking port cam, as well as KW, truck wheels, H.O.M.E. and B9 Aerospace packs. These mods have been installed for quite some time. Dozens of vessels have been flown (dozens more exploded!) with these mods installed, without any bugs or problems whatsoever.

I thought MechJeb would make rendezvous operations less tedious for the tricky-to-fly HSTAC Silverhawk, which it did beautifully. However, despite performing the initial ascent after launch perfectly, once the rendezvous process had begun, Kerbin vanished into rings of light. The rendezvous proceeded to completion otherwise flawlessly from there.

Also, from the moment the MechJeb radial part was placed on the plane in the hangar, and during the entire mission, the game suffered from regular stuttering, with all processing, including sound, pausing for just a blink every 2-3 seconds.

Neither the vanishing planet nor severe stuttering issues had ever been observed in my games, and I've been running the same install since two days after 0.19's release. The first and only time I've ever seen these issues on this version was from the very first test flight with MechJeb mounted.

Bob is understandably concerned about the apparent explosion of his homeworld.


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Can the new version add the current TWR value?

It is a good reference value in 1.9.8

but I can't find it in MJ2

Also,if the custom windows editor can add horizontal line to windows

It can make a more clear view:)

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  royying said:
Can the new version add the current TWR value?

It is a good reference value in 1.9.8

but I can't find it in MJ2

Also,if the custom windows editor can add horizontal line to windows

It can make a more clear view:)

There is a "Separator" item in the Misc category, and the "Max acceleration" item in the Vessel category is probably more useful than current TWR.

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Hey, been flipping through the posts, hoping to find my own little bothersome issue... Either I missed in, or I'm the first, Easy to miss in over 140 some pages... ^^;

Anyway, I've been using the 2.07 version of Mechjeb since I started playing again after a brief hiatus to refresh the feel of the game... A bit nervous about it, hearing about bugginess and all, but decided to try it out. Works like a dream in my opinion, love the new system using nodes so I can make sure all goes well, and I love the window editor with all the information I never knew I needed, really puts alot of mods together into one... I use a number of other mods, like haystack and Crew Manifest, Quantum strut, as well as some parts packs like KW rocketry, and the old KerbX parts packs to name a few... With all these mods, it still worked fine, did transfers okay, never perfect, sometimes the occasional disaster, but for the most part just fine, like a dream...

But anyway, getting to the main issue here, I turn on my KSP again and load up the spacestation with my orbital tug attached... and now MEchjeb's windows have become entirely see-through, and the letters are all black and scrambled all over the place! I can't tell where a window starts or ends! Even the tab at the side is just the black letters, and you can guess how hard it is t make anything black out in space... ^^;

It worked fine up till now, and I haven't recently changed anything at all in the plugin side of things that may be causing conflicts or errors behind the scenes, it seems to have just quit on me... any suggestions? I've tried deleting some other of the more recent plugins like B9's firespitter, but nothing seems to be working... I'd really like to not have to wipe my entire game and start over again, especially if this'll keep happening... Please help! ^^;

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Was trying to hover around KSC with (Taverius' modded) jet engines using the Translatron module, but it seems it doesn't like engines with a warmup time - vertical speed keeps oscillating around the value I'd set, which made hovering and the nifty smooth landings Translatron can usually do rather difficult. Is there a chance engine response time might be taken into account in future?

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Having a big-time problem with the landing module on 2.0.7-39. Trying to land a kethane mining and refinery rig on Duna. It's got a cluster of 7 NTRs on it, but lost one of the outboards during a recontact mishap (which the RCS was able to correct for, until I just shut the opposite engine off). When I activate autoland, it does a pretty good initial deorbit burn, and then starts issuing absolutely stupid course corrections that end up pushing the Peridune back up into the mid atmosphere. The second to last burn it does, it actually stops attempting to steer and just lets it drift while the engines run. The final burn expends all fuel, while the listed Delta V of the course correction goes UP as it burns. The net result is a crash approximately 1/3rd to 1/4th of the way around the planet past the landing site.

Proximate cause seems to be that the 'Landing Prediction' module is malfunctioning while the auto-land is turned on, giving obviously incorrect predictions that are EXTREMELY short of the mark. Turning off autoland seems to fix the predictions, revealing that the initial deorbit burn is in fact pretty good: On the most recent attempt the initial burn put the landing site at a bit over 21km short.


The result of the initial Deorbit burn, clearly showing the really bad landing site prediction.


Mere seconds later, with the Autoland switched off before it can do a 'course correction'.


Shot of the craft in question, which has 2 mechjeb2 units (one on the top half, one on the bottom), a probe core (it occurs to me the core's on the top half so that part doesn't NEED a Mechjeb unit...), and is using parts from Kethane 0.4.3 and Kerbal Attachment System 0.2.3 (excellent mod, btw). For the record the damage occured during the Duna Injection Burn, and it's been fine since.

I've pulled the pre-burn quicksave.sfs if you want it, but the two other ships in flight are using a few more mods: There's a slightly stranded spaceplane landed on Duna with a DEMV mk3 EX and an ISA Mapsat GPS module as well as Kethane and KAS parts. There's also a mapping probe on its way to Eve with Kethane and ISA parts, as well as a Protractor...which doesn't really do what I wanted it for so I'm probably going to re-ditch it after the probe is done.

I also have the subassembly loader and Romfarer's redo of the Sunbeam (v25), the former of which is VAB/SPH only and the latter isn't currently being used on any ships in flight. Also the DEMV mk2 and DEMV mk5, also not being used atm. Also, larger Xenon tanks from the 'Ion-Hybrid pack' 1.4.3, which are also not in use. (The extra engines were NOT installed, just the tanks, to be used as part of a propellant depot station.) Aaand Docking Strut 2, also not being used (but lovely just the same).

Edit: I'm going to try letting it do the first, fairly small correction burn and see where that puts the landing site. Will report back shortly.

Edit2: The first course correction puts it about 177km long. :|

Edited by Tiron
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  Tiron said:
Having a big-time problem with the landing module on 2.0.7-39.

A few of us were having similar problems and found that if you first select a target on the map, then edit the coordinates, landing works. If you type in coordinates w/o first selecting a target on the map, bad things happen. (My lander would spin out of control until there was no fuel left.) Have you tried that workaround?

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  Markarian421 said:
A few of us were having similar problems and found that if you first select a target on the map, then edit the coordinates, landing works. If you type in coordinates w/o first selecting a target on the map, bad things happen. (My lander would spin out of control until there was no fuel left.) Have you tried that workaround?

Yes, does the same thing regardless of if you use coordinates or select a target (he fixed the co-ords thing in one of the dev versions). The problem is it's getting bad landing predictions while the auto-land is turned on, and issuing erroneous 'course corrections' based on them.

The initial Deorbit burn is correct, because it doesn't have a landing prediction yet.

Edited by Tiron
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The problem I'm having (with 2.0.7 and the tip of the dev branch) is that after warp, KSP stops responding to control input.

Steps to reproduce are pretty simple:

1.) Create a simple rocket (probe core, fuel tank, engine, mechjebar202)

2.) Open debug toolbar (alt-f12), select infinite fuel (not required, just makes the rocket to test with easier)

3.) Use ascent guidance to auto to 200km.

4.) Once mechjeb warps to get to the circularization burn, control inputs fail.

It looks like something is causing there to be an extra input lock, that's never relinquished.

It crops up during the warp under a name like this: "vessel_noControl_95ee1b44-1afd-4741-b4ff-14b5533f64f4"

Interestingly enough, this does *not* happen when I auto guide to 100 km.

This problem isn't limited to just ascent - it's just the one I can reproduce the problem with all the time.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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That's an odd problem there. I did not see that the couple of times I used the latest release, and I tested the automation features from launch to rendezvous to landing.

I ended up having to pull MJ completely from my install because it (or a conflict between it and another mod) was causing Kerbin to vanish into bright rings of nothingness repeatedly. Other than that, I never had any control freeze like you mention.

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  caladine said:
The problem I'm having (with 2.0.7 and the tip of the dev branch) is that after warp, KSP stops responding to control input.

From your description it sounds like you're running out of power. Chuck a solar panel and plenty of batteries on there and try again.

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  caladine said:
The problem I'm having (with 2.0.7 and the tip of the dev branch) is that after warp, KSP stops responding to control input.

Steps to reproduce are pretty simple:

1.) Create a simple rocket (probe core, fuel tank, engine, mechjebar202)

2.) Open debug toolbar (alt-f12), select infinite fuel (not required, just makes the rocket to test with easier)

3.) Use ascent guidance to auto to 200km.

4.) Once mechjeb warps to get to the circularization burn, control inputs fail.

It looks like something is causing there to be an extra input lock, that's never relinquished.

It crops up during the warp under a name like this: "vessel_noControl_95ee1b44-1afd-4741-b4ff-14b5533f64f4"

Interestingly enough, this does *not* happen when I auto guide to 100 km.

This problem isn't limited to just ascent - it's just the one I can reproduce the problem with all the time.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

alt + F2 to get debug console, and tell us if anything appears.

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So I downloaded mechjeb and installed it by copying the parts in the parts folder and the plugins in the plugin folder. I started ksp and it took 10 minutes to load. The longest loading was the mech_jeb parts. Can someone explain why it takes so long to load. Then I made a new save file and checked if it works. Only the parts work but I don't have those windows for the mechjeb is this supose to happen? Or do I need to download mechjeb2 instead of mechjeb1 or use both? I also tested if only mechjeb 2 works but most of my parts went black or didn't load in the parts section and were black when placing them but the windows for the mechjeb appeared. (windows for the acending pilot etc.)

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  Gaiabladegold said:
Hey, been flipping through the posts, hoping to find my own little bothersome issue... Either I missed in, or I'm the first, Easy to miss in over 140 some pages... ^^;

Anyway, I've been using the 2.07 version of Mechjeb since I started playing again after a brief hiatus to refresh the feel of the game... A bit nervous about it, hearing about bugginess and all, but decided to try it out. Works like a dream in my opinion, love the new system using nodes so I can make sure all goes well, and I love the window editor with all the information I never knew I needed, really puts alot of mods together into one... I use a number of other mods, like haystack and Crew Manifest, Quantum strut, as well as some parts packs like KW rocketry, and the old KerbX parts packs to name a few... With all these mods, it still worked fine, did transfers okay, never perfect, sometimes the occasional disaster, but for the most part just fine, like a dream...

But anyway, getting to the main issue here, I turn on my KSP again and load up the spacestation with my orbital tug attached... and now MEchjeb's windows have become entirely see-through, and the letters are all black and scrambled all over the place! I can't tell where a window starts or ends! Even the tab at the side is just the black letters, and you can guess how hard it is t make anything black out in space... ^^;

It worked fine up till now, and I haven't recently changed anything at all in the plugin side of things that may be causing conflicts or errors behind the scenes, it seems to have just quit on me... any suggestions? I've tried deleting some other of the more recent plugins like B9's firespitter, but nothing seems to be working... I'd really like to not have to wipe my entire game and start over again, especially if this'll keep happening... Please help! ^^;

Same problem. Seems really random. Nothing showing in the debugger.

Edited by Albert II
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  Albert II said:
Same problem. Seems really random. Nothing showing in the debugger.

I only get this problem if I ALT+TAB out while it's in the middle of the loading process.

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  Makrond said:
From your description it sounds like you're running out of power. Chuck a solar panel and plenty of batteries on there and try again.

Yeah, that was it - thank you for pointing it out!

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Does anybody know if there are any conflicts between MechJeb2 and FAR? Usually I use MechJeb to limit my ship to terminal velocity during launch but right after I installed FAR the throttle control on MechJeb no longer seems to be working.

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  Itsdavyjones said:
Far and mechjeb use different drag systems, therefore far is currently incompatible with mechjeb.

Well I sort of figured the autopilot part might be, but I just use it for it's heading and throttle control, the heading control is working fine but I would of assumed that limiting to terminal velocity would of considered the speed and not drag? I guess not, well darn that sucks.

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