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Soyuz Of A Sort!

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I'm done.

It took about 3 hours, my computer screaming at me to kill it with fire, and I don't even know how many Two Steps From Hell tracks, but I finished...

The Soyuz of a Sort!

Not a replica, just something designed to be done in the spirit of the Soyuz rocket. I wanted to see if I could do something of the sort, and wanted to share the result with the forum, 'cause why not?


More Images. Link because I hate the imgur albums on here. What are they, made for phones?

It runs at an atrocious framerate, and is no doubt completely useless compared to something more simple, but that's not why I build rockets, darn it! Download below.

Download Me Here

Edited by RyanRising
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This looks very good, and also what's that bar across the bottom, and how do you get it?

That's Kerbal Engineer Redux. It helps a lot with building anything in KSP.

How many parts does it have?


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t's a mod called Kerbla Historian I believe. KER may have that feature too.

Oh, he meant that bar. I think it's just called Historian, but you've got the right idea.

EDIT: Alex, if you're still here, I have a link for the mod. Click Here

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I know its not supposed to be a replica but for a suggestion, i would add fairing over the capsule like the real life Soyuz. :):)

I can deal with clipped tanks and stuff, but I can't seem to get around that they'd have to get in the rocket during construction, then wait in there while the fairing is built around them and the rocket is rolled out to the pad if I did that.

You can extend the fairing though in the editor if you want, there's nothing stopping you.

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