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Mortimer Kerman has decided that your space program costs too much to fuel. You must build a moon base that can extract ore and turn it into fuel. A craft will ferry the fuel from the moon back to low kerbin orbit and must also be able to make it back to the base only using fuel produced from the base.

(This is what I did when i got bored)

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Mortimer Kerman has decided that your space program costs too much to fuel. You must build a moon base that can extract ore and turn it into fuel. A craft will ferry the fuel from the moon back to low kerbin orbit and must also be able to make it back to the base only using fuel produced from the base.

(This is what I did when i got bored)

Oh god. Of all the things I've done in KSP, mining and ore production is about the only thing I've yet to dive into. Regardless, I accept and will update with photos. :cool:

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my plan for 1.0.5, maybe it's something for you too:



Extraplanetary launchpads

OSI Workshop

MKS-lite, USI-LS, Karbonite, a few of the other usi-mods, not MKS/OKS.

deadly reentry

procedural fairings

Outer planets (I need to look into it, no adjusted solar curve, solar energy should be useless beyond jool or sarnus, same goes for the remotetech-antennas).


enhanced navball, navhud

near future tech mods

and maybe a few other mods, which help with a few things.

start a carreer game, edit it to have a fully upgraded ksc, 10 million cash, 0 science. contracts are forbidden, and only 2 types of rockets are allowed, similar to spaceX falcon 9 and heavy with roughly 15-20t and 50-60t LKO-capacity. mining on kerbin is forbidden too.

you can only get kerbals by hiring them (which costs money).

you can only earn money by bringing harvested resources and products (with EPL) home.

your kerbals can only level by coming home.

science points are trophies.

you can only go to far away destinations by having some kerbals on your ship, so it can act as command center (remotetech).

you can only bring back science by flying capsules with results back.

you need nuclear reactors basically everywhere, since the near future engines consume large quantites of energy.

mks lite limits you to food-production on surface-stations, however there are modules which allow food recycling.

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Shuttle to the Mun and Back.

Mods I have to work with.


Shuttle Engines

Procedural Parts

Real Fuels

KW Rocketry

Procedural Wings

Build a MkII shuttle capable of 4-6 kerbals, a 1.875m wide lander that weigh 7t, and have the whole thing launched in one rocket. The lander would be placed on top of the second/third stage booster and once in orbit, the shuttle detaches and docks with the lander (still attached to the transfer stage) and then burns for the Mun. The shuttle puts everything into orbit of the mun while the transfer stage crashes into the Mun.

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Our engineers wanted to see if it really was just that we didn't know for sure we couldn't propel probes at high speed collision courses. Admittedly, the rate at which we suddenly found ourselves regaining the nerve for how the unplanned sudden combustion was part of the reason why. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is where you come in.


  1. Build a manned exploration vehicle without lander legs that can carry at least two Kerbals and has at least one Cupola Module attached.
  2. Bring the vehicle to a near hover in the East Farside Crater without landing, and then, at suborbital speeds, fly through the canyon connected to the eastern edge of the crater.
  3. Keep your altitude below the rim of the canyon walls and allow the copilot to take photographs of the flythrough.
  4. Return the Kerbals safely to Kerbin without landing.


Advance: √0

Completion: √0

Failure: √0

Edited by Xavven
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When you run out of ideas, adding new mods always helps.

Try making things that actually exist, biplanes, boats, etc.

Eloo can always use a new friend, if you're not feeling that adventurous, try Dres. Dres is pretty lonely too.

Try part challenges, ex: You have to incorporate a Mk3 rocket fuel tank into a one man Mun lander, Make a plane with only 4 parts, etc.

"land" some Kerbals on a planet, have it go horribly wrong, and then rescue them. Easy mode: Minmus. Hard mode: Eve. Moderate: Duna.

Hope this helped!

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We were concerned that we weren't sure if Eve's surface was as completely uninhabitable as predicted, and that we'd spent a lot of time figuring out that we really didn't know anything at all. Admittedly, times where there would be a rapid unplanned disassembly was a big part of why. So, if you're willing, we now need your help.


- Construct a new outpost that has an antenna and can generate power.

--- Have a Research Lab at the outpost.

--- Have a facility supporting 5 Kerbals.

- Land your outpost on Eve.

- Carry out research on the surface and transmit processed data from at least two biomes back to Kerbin.


Advance: √0

Completion: √0

Failure: √0

Edited by FlyingPete
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Here's an idea:

-put a kerbal in a keostationary orbit (hyper edit)

-build a cone shaped vessel (like a rocket with a net)

-Launch your vessel vertically (so no gravity turn!) And try and scoop the kerbel out of space, with your net, without changing course. (The kerbal will most probably not survive the catch though) :)

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Use as little fuel as possible to go to Moho or Eeloo.


- - - Updated - - -

Use as little fuel as possible to go to Moho or Eeloo.


Not because they are easy, but because they are hard!

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Hello everyone. In a nutshell, I love KSP but lack inspiration to play right now. Dump your ideas for missions on me aaaaaaaaaaand go!

I playin ksp int this way,and only this way.:exploring planets and rescue the kerbals from failed expeditions,using OPM,RemoteTech,DeepFreeze,and a lot of mods,mostly cfg tuned for my ease.

And of course i resized and converted ALL the textures to DDS. (before DDS was cool)

And wrote a small Modulemanager cfg to increase ALL the engines ISP*10 - this enabled some freedom for me,like smaller crafts,etc..

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If youve got a pc or xbox steering wheel. On pc. .perhaps even a good joystick and throttle

Become a land-train driver.. Kerbins rapidly growing yet most lethal, emotional, challenging and rewarding mode of transport

Fengist's Elcano challenge of circumnavigation by land exposes the sheer beauty of kerbin up close.. Something oftern missed when orbiting or flying

Youll end up emotionally attached to your train and her crew.. Gain a new respect for kerbin and discover a new level of KSP without time acceleration or the luxury of flight.

Its not easy and certainly open to more failure than success.. But its much more risky than even rocket flight.. Every kilometre gained is progress to be proud of.. Every train lost is a thing to honour.. As a train driver youve had taken up the profession shunned by even the most hardened space pilot and truely discover squads hidden attention to detail on kerbin that i believe everyone should take the time to see :)

Edited by Overland
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Well, I am doing a mission to Minmus if all goes well. I have a lander-orbiter, my general-use Orbital Activity Vehicle, but it's not meant for extended use. So, I must build a Transit Vehicle to get to Minmus. (The OAV can technically support kerbals for an infinite time but I want it to be realistic because I might write a story about it). I plan to not bring a rover. :D

EDIT: Now the mission has a thread.

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