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Retexturing a stock part


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You can just reuse the existing texture by pointing to it; you don't have to redistribute it. This has the advantage of saving RAM for your users.

Just do something like this in your part.cfg:

texture = Squad/Parts/Command/mk2DroneCore/mk2Dronecore

(obviously change it to the heat shield instead of the drone core)

You can also take a look at SXT which does exactly that - re-uses Squad textures.

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Though its worth noting that just "applying" the heat shield texture to the nosecone will not result in anything usable. The UV Coordinates of the both parts are much to different to each other. You would either have to re-uv the nosecone (and that would be near impossible to give great results with the way the heatshield texture is laid out) or, the much simpler and faster and better way: just make a new texture directly for the nosecone.

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