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[Question] How to make a plane better at turning

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What sort of 'spazzy'? And is it the roll or pitch or a combination that you\'re having trouble with? The precision (Caps Lock by default) controls are a godsend in 0.15. Always tap the roll keys and pitch keys to turn rather than holding them, as I\'ve found most stock aircraft have problems with Super-maneuverability if you hold the keys.

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Just press caps-lock once to toggle it. (one press on, one press will turn off again). This should change your mode of steering from snapping to 100% in the direction to pressed, to a gradual slope from 0% to 100%. By tapping at the right speed, you can keep your plane turning smoothly if you get the right roll setting, because you\'re not asking it to use 100% of its control authority, which is usually too much for your engine to keep up with. This causes the 'spazzy' movement I think you\'re describing.

TLDR: Just press caps-lock once to toggle it. (one press on, one press will turn off again). Then tap controls to get more gentle inputs.

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Thanks for the help guys! coud someone please elaborate on how to use these caps-lock controls?


Press caps lock, and the controls will be much smoother - use little taps on the keys, also.


Hmm... I got ninja\'ed. What ever happened to that 'you may want to review your post' thing when someone posted while you were writing a message?

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Just press caps-lock once to toggle it. (one press on, one press will turn off again). This should change your mode of steering from snapping to 100% in the direction to pressed, to a gradual slope from 0% to 100%. By tapping at the right speed, you can keep your plane turning smoothly if you get the right roll setting, because you\'re not asking it to use 100% of its control authority, which is usually too much for your engine to keep up with. This causes the 'spazzy' movement I think you\'re describing.

TLDR: Just press caps-lock once to toggle it. (one press on, one press will turn off again). Then tap controls to get more gentle inputs.

Thank you a million times! :D


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