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M700 Survey scanner questions.

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Is there a way to make is so you see the results of the scan from nearby ships as opposed to just the satelite and or KSC. If I set enough up in orbit(and maintain LOS) can I keep the results visible from other ship orbiting the planet it is scanning?

Edited by Arugela
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Once you've performed the scan, you can access the data from everywhere, use the map view, of the planet/moon. Click the info controls at the far rightright. One of the tabs should allows you to click the ore concentration info, this will show the overlay.

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Scratch that. That didn't help anything. If I leave the probe after leaving it's initial launch into orbit it will not save the data. And every time I go to another ship the data is gone. That window doesn't do anything. Every time I leave the probe with the scanner It deactivates the interface and I have to go back and click toggle overlay. and when I leave the probe for another ship or the KSC to use that data live it disapears now. It does not show electrical use after it's initial scan. So why does it not stay active where I can use it. The moment I leave the probe with the Survey scanner it stops showing the data and I have to go back to the probe and toggle the overlay... This makes the scanner useless. What is with this thing?! And if it needs more electricity why does it not show this in the data for the item?

How is this thing supposed to work. I cannot use the scan if the overlay only stays active while I'm using the probe itself... The window that show resources for the body doesn't do anything the overlay doesn't.

Does it need electricity... Line of sight?!

My probe has:

1x 88-88

1x generator

1x M700 Survey scanner

4x 80 monopropeliant tanks.

1x probe core (okot2?)

1x Reaction wheel small

1x 200 battery

misc struts etc.

I have the probe attached to a bigger vehicle with several thousand electricty to do the initial activation of the probe. I then move the probe launcher into orbit and detach the probe and the launcher goes back to where it came from leaving the above probe in space... I see nothing besides the initial scan that takes electricity. The probe seems to be electrical independent and not lacking anything. Or if it's not it does not show the electrical loss during use and gives me no way to understand how it works.

It at first worked while using the ship. But after leaving and loading the game it stops allowing me to see the data from other vessels. Every time I switch targets it automatically deactivates the interface and I have to manually go back and activate it. IT then turns off again after I leave maknig it useless to other ships...

What things are required to use this. The game doesn't give any real information and I have no idea what i should be doing with this to get it to work. I also haven't found any information that made any sense..

Edited by Arugela
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That doesn't happen. when I switch vehicles I can switch to looking at the planet or anything else and it does not show the info. The overlay turns itself off. I can mess with the setting while focused view on the planet/moon and it doesn't show anything on the planet itself. No matter what I change the settings to in the third info window.

And when I first launched it I could see the info while flying my ship in third person. I don't know if the planet was focused. I could hit m back and forth and it would always be visible on the surface of the body below. but for some reason this stops after some event and doesn't work anymore.

Edit: NVM, I had to click the resource in the window to get it. It simply deactivated the resource. Now if I select it I can see it again.

New Questions:

1. What other resources can be collected/selected. I've run scans but not seen the results in the window.

2. Is there any reason to leave a survey scanner in orbit around a planet?

3. I was able to do my initial scans without the ship being in polar orbit. It was simply in orbit at the given altitude but not over the poles. Is this a glitch?(It popped out the antennae and sent the data and everything.)

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1. What other resources can be collected/selected. I've run scans but not seen the results in the window.

2. Is there any reason to leave a survey scanner in orbit around a planet?

3. I was able to do my initial scans without the ship being in polar orbit. It was simply in orbit at the given altitude but not over the poles. Is this a glitch?(It popped out the antennae and sent the data and everything.)

1. In stock, there is only the one ressource. I understand that this is a placeholder to give additional options to modders.

2. I think you can terminate the scanner immediately after the scan. I tend leave them there for style.

3. You don't have to actually be over the poles, just be in a polar orbit. This simulates that eventually the scanner will pass every pont on the body you are scanning to get the information, even though the in-game scan result is finished instantaneously.

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On question 3, I was able to actually initiate the scan while the orbit was basically equatorial as opposed to polar. I was wondering if that was normal.

Are they going to change it so you need to leave stuff like this in orbit. It would be nicer if it was more live with a lag system and you had to deploy multiple satelites to keep the scan up... Then it would actually take something to do. Or anything else more complicated.

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