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A heating bug heated my ship into the trillions °K, how do I cool it?

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So I was letting MJ handle the docking of two rather large ships, hit physics warp and one of the parts, maybe because it was inadvertently clipped into another begun to hit as if it wanted to trigger a new Big Bang.

I toggled "ignore maximum temperature" and continued.

Right now the ship has docked, it's not generating more heat but every part in the 500+ parts thing has a temperature into the trillions. Is there any way to quickly and simply cool down the thing? Hyperdit has a heat editor tool, but that's per part and I have over 500 of them.

Here comes the mandatory, and likely unneeded, mod list

KSP: 1.0.4 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.10240) 64bit


Filter Extensions - 2.4.1

Ambient Light Adjustment -

Chatterer -

Community Resource Pack - 0.4.4

Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.4.2

Editor Extensions - 2.12

EVA Enhancements - 1.0

Firespitter - 7.0

Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.17

Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.4

Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.0.18

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4

KerboKatzUtilities - 1.2.9

Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.2

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Infernal Robots - 0.21.2

Modular Rocket Systems - 1.8

NavHud - 1.2.1

Near Future Electrical - 0.5.2

Procedural Parts - 1.1.7

QuickGoTo - 1.2

QuickSearch - 1.1.3

RCS Build Aid - 0.7.2

SpaceY Lifters - 1.3.1

TAC Fuel Balancer -

Trajectories - 1.4.3

Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.4

Alternate Resource Panel - 2.7.3

TweakScale - 2.2.1

Waypoint Manager - 2.4.2

OSE Workshop - 0.10.2

Animated decouplers -

BDAnimationModules Changelog - v0.5.2

Fusebox - I think the latest, but I can't check it from the folder

Heat Management V0.20

Kramax Autopilot - not sure about the version

MarkIV System - no part in use in either vessel

MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492

MK2 Expansion - no part in use in either vessel

Part Commander -

Precise Node - 1.1.3

Science Alert - not sure about the version

Smoke Screen - 2.6.7?


Targetron -

Tweakable Everything - just downloaded, the issue was present before installing

Asteroid Day

Better Bouyancy - 1.3

Collision FX - 3.0?

Contract Filter - 1.0

CrossFeed Enabler - 3.3

Enhanced NavBall - 1.3.6

Firespitter - 7.0

Glass Things

Kerbal Foundries - 1.8, no part in either vessel

Hyperedit 1.4

Kip Engineering Universal Dockign port - V2.2 not used in either vessel

KM Gimbal 3.0.3

Kronal Vessel Viewer 1.0.4

Layered Animator 1.0.5388

Map View Plus 0.1.1

Mk2 Essentials - no part in either vessel

Mk3 Hypersonic Systems - no part in either vessel

Module RCSFX - 4.0


Procedural Parts - 1.1.7

Scaterer - 1.0.5

Sensible Screenshots

Station Parts Expansion - no part in either vessel

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You have a mod called "Heat Management V0.20", how do you think that won't be a useful thing? Try uninstalling the mod, and see if it fixes things. If it does, there was your problem. If not, keep looking for more help, I guess. Sorry if I'm not helpful.

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  Mysterion said:
You have a mod called "Heat Management V0.20", how do you think that won't be a useful thing? Try uninstalling the mod, and see if it fixes things. If it does, there was your problem. If not, keep looking for more help, I guess. Sorry if I'm not helpful.

Those are radiator parts, I got the mod when 1.0 came out and the nukes overheated. I only keep it because I still have some ships with those radiators in orbit somewhere.

In any case, I reloaded an older save game, although it would be nice to know if there is a way to cool it if it happens again.

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