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Might have broken my saved game due to mods. Help?

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I was messing around with this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131439-WIP-Free-IVA-(formerly-Enhanced-IVA)-Alpha-v0-0-3-(2015-10-11) in my main save, and then afterwords uninstalled it from my KSP folder. Since then, I get a few odd glitches in just my saves that I played in with that mod running before. The main issue is that in the VAB, I have no categories to choose parts from, meaning I cannot make any ships.

I tried reinstalling the entire game twice, and just bring back the saves, but they still don't work. Although new games on a fresh install do work. Is there any way to fix this issue, or is my saved game just broken? It'll be kind of disappointing considering I've put dozens of hours into my current save, and I have one old backup of the save that would make me lose like 20 hours of gameplay.

Either way though, help would be greatly appreciated. Also, please understand that i'm not angry with the mod, or the creator of the mod. This was entirely my mistake, as I should have backed up my save beforehand. I didn't back it up because I've never had a saved game break because of a mod before, but considering this was a WIP mod, I should have considered it.

Here's a pic of what i'm seeing in the VAB:


Edited by aazo5
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See that black arrow in the upper left hand corner of your screen shot? What happens if you click it? :)

That may not be the problem, but it's worth a shot.

Tried clicking it beforehand, but all it did was open the advanced option tool bar thing, where you have sub-assemblies and stuff like that. No option for parts in there unfortunately. :(

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