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Custom Elevons - Like Custom Fairings

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At the moment, KSP has 8 elevon-like control surfaces (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Control_surface). However, it seems that I can rarely find one of a correct size and shape. Rather than adding new ones, as has been the solution in previous updates, why not have a single elevon part that can be shaped - a little like fairings are currently? My suggestion is that you decide on the width of the piece, and how far back the back corners are (allowing players to design corners that do not line up - like in the Elevon 2, but perhaps making it so that the left corner must be at least as close to the pivot than the right corner is so the corners can easily be lined up by minimising the distance from the pivot to the right corner, but also so that the component can be rotated upside-down if the player wants the left corner to be behind the right corner). Finally, the player should be able to decide on an amount to shift the corners by horizontally, to make components like the Elevon 5.

This might cause problems with reading old .craft files, but I think the developers can probably teach the file reader to treat descriptions of old elevons as if they describe an elevon with corners in specific places. Another possible problem is that the FAT-455 and Big-S elevons have different textures and shapes. These could be maintained by setting the program to change the texture / shape according to the elevon size.

It is possible that this will lead to people questioning whether there should be a similar change for lifting surfaces (one customisable part). Whilst I have had problems with wing shapes and sizes, they are rarer (in my experience) than elevon problems, so I wouldn't mind as much if this wasn't implemented. After all, if every part became customisable, KSP would have quite a different feel - and require different skills - when making vehicles.

I am quite enthusiastic about this :D and would like to hear other people's suggestions or opinions.

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