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Should I update to 1.0.5?


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So, I'm a new player (only been playing since 1.0.4), and I'm still learning all the aspects (particularly learning the physics) of the game as I only have trips to the mun, minmus, and duna under my belt. I'm getting used to the way 1.0.4 ran, though. I am perfectly okay with change (in fact, I'm not sure if it could even be better since I'm not nearly as used to game mechanics as some people were) but just not sure how drastic it would be.

So, my question is, as the title suggests: do you think it's worth it to upgrade to 1.0.5 now or are there some issues that need to be worked out before updating?

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Upgrade to 1.0.5 but keep a backup of your 1.0.4 install somewhere, you never know what may happen.

More generally, do this for all updates: always have a backup of the previous version with your saves and mods in case an update breaks everything and mods take 6 months to update.

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If you play stock or mostly stock, I say upgrade. There are a number of improvements in the new version, especially to thermal effects, that makes the base game a little easier. There are also neat new aircraft engines like the Juno that I'm enjoying in career mode. The new Mk1 inline crew cabin is also a great addition; I've been playing around with "microshuttles" in Sandbox and "microtourist" sub-orbital hops are my cash cow in Career right now. The new cockpit, two cabins and a tail chute with wings is a regular thrill ride of a tourist hop.

If you play heavily modded, you might wait until more mods have updated their compatibility. Instead, you could make the transition to CKAN if you haven't already. The repository is tremendously convenient and keeps compatibility problems from plaguing you, as most mods I used were updated as quick as the modders could code. I did have a small problem where RealChute and the stock nosecone chute had an arguement over statistics until Jebediah learned his parachute had a deployed area of 0.0 square meters... but its been patched up since and nothing lost.

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I can transfer my saves over to the new version via copy/paste of my save's file folder, right?

And can you tell me what CKAN is or how I go about getting it? I've heard the name tossed around but never had a clue what it was.

As far as mods go, I play with around 10-15 (which from what I see around here seems to be considered "mostly stock") but the only mod that's truly crucial for me is KER since it takes a lot of the guesswork out of what's currently difficult endeavors (interplanetary travel) while still requiring me to do the actual flying, while mods I'd greatly prefer to have are KIS/KAS, & KAC. The rest are ones whose presence wouldn't change my play experience. All of those mods seem like they're run by awesome people who code at light speed to keep up with an update, so I shouldn't have a problem there

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  mabarry3 said:
I can transfer my saves over to the new version via copy/paste of my save's file folder, right?

Yes, exactly. I would suggest always zipping them up (saves a lot of space) and naming them with the date, regularly.

  mabarry3 said:
And can you tell me what CKAN is or how I go about getting it? I've heard the name tossed around but never had a clue what it was.

Basically, it's a package manager for Mods. Instead of downloading and updating each and every one of them manually, there is a "catalog" where you can pick out mods. They will be kept updated for you. You can download it here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases

Very, very recommended. Note that you should delete all manually installed mods, because CKAN won't be able to update those (it will recognize them as "manually installed" and not touch them). As always, make a backup first.

  mabarry3 said:
As far as mods go, I play with around 10-15 (which from what I see around here seems to be considered "mostly stock")

Nope ;) That's quite a bit.

  mabarry3 said:
but the only mod that's truly crucial for me is KER since it takes a lot of the guesswork out of what's currently difficult endeavors (interplanetary travel) while still requiring me to do the actual flying, while mods I'd greatly prefer to have are KIS/KAS, & KAC.
KIS/KAS and KAC have been updated and work well under 1.0.5. KER works mostly, but KER can't wrap its head around the new IntakeAir/Jet engine mechanics.

Actually, most mods should still work.

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  Kobymaru said:
Basically, it's a package manager for Mods. Instead of downloading and updating each and every one of them manually, there is a "catalog" where you can pick out mods. They will be kept updated for you. You can download it here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases

Very, very recommended. Note that you should delete all manually installed mods, because CKAN won't be able to update those (it will recognize them as "manually installed" and not touch them). As always, make a backup first.

Awesome, thanks for the info. I downloaded 1.0.5 and kept the four mods I mentioned above, though I couldn't find KER in ckan's directory (I didn't see mechjeb either, which I know is also useful for displaying similar readouts that KER does, besides some of the non-overlapping functions of KER/mechjeb such as autopilot). Am I looking wrong or is it not listed there?

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Might I suggest that from now on the forum have a permanent sticky thread titled "Should I update to ___?"

Because I've observed that at least one "Should I update" thread shows up for every single update. So rather than have a new thread every time for every person who makes one, we could just have one big thread that says "yes."

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Hmm, I'm unable to do anything with the save I transferred over from 1.0.4. I can open up every building except the SPH and VAB, I can't do anything that interacts between the SPH/VAB or actually flying something. If I try to hit "fly" on something from the launch pad/runway or hit "fly" on the flags on each end of my runway, nothing happens except the box closing like it's fulfilling my request. Also, I loaded a save which was saved while I was flying a ship, and it loaded the ship just fine but I was unable to go back from there to the space center.

I just copied the save straight from KSP>saves>saveName and copied the "saveName" file from the 1.0.4 file over into the KSP/saves directory in the 1.0.5 version. Did I do something wrong? I'll try zipping it and unzipping it, but that doesn't seem like it would change anything.

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I always start a new folder with the new version as soon as it is released and then add mods that claim to work. When the mods actually work and the ones required to load my old save are present I`ll try to load my old save.

When I can load my old save into the new version and I have my minimum essential mods I`ll start using the new version as my main install.

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