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ksp realism overhaul

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Hello everybody!

I'm having a lot of problems with Ksp and I hope someone could help me here..

First of all here's my pc specs

Gtx 670

16 gb ram

I5 3570

Samsung ssd 250 gb

2 tb hdd.

Windows 10

The problems began when I install these mods

1 rss 4K texture

2 realism overhaul

3 rp0

The problem is that after some minutes of playing the game crash when I revert to launch or I enter an edifice.


the problem is that the 32 bit version of Ksp doesn't allow me to use

all my ram.. So I install 2k texture and remove the 4K.. But the problem

was the same.. (And it is strange because I see a lot of people playing

Ksp with these mod on Windows without have any problem.. I try to

install the active texture mod but nothing change.. )

So I install

Ubuntu 15.04 that make use all my beautiful Ram.. Here the game run

perfectly with all the mods I want but there are other problem and here I

relay think that I will get crazy..

Now the problem is they the game

run at low fps (really really low... Strange because on Windows it run

perfectly at 50-60 fps before crashing) and it look bad like if I have

no anti aliasing even if I have 8x.. So now I can't play because the

game is too slow..

On Windows I have ram issues and in Ubuntu

graphics issue (ps I have install the official driver of my graphic card

((or I think so))..

Can someone help me?

Sorry for my really bad English but is not my language..

Thanks everyone for the help..emoji_1F603.png

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