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My fist Kerbal in orbit in 1.05 and it's not Jeb :D


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Sacrilege. Blasphemy. Heresy.

JEBEDIAH MUST GO FIRST. All of you--you go right back to that launch pad and put Jeb in orbit, this minute, or I will turn this thread around! :D

NO NO Jeb would be 3rd now must fly Valentine, We need to maintain gender parity nowadays ;)

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Jeb was my first Kerbal in orbit in 1.05 and Val was my first to visit the Mun (flyby).

I personally make no allowances for gender. They are all qualified kerbonauts and I treat them as such. It is, however, important that I keep all of my kerbonauts in rotation in the early going so that they will be experienced for the later missions.

As for your ship design and piloting: Excellent job on the gravity turn. It's textbook as far as I can tell.

I personally would not stage just to activate another copy of the same engine. In my experience, SSTO is lighter than that approach. My early orbital flights had a SRB first stage and a Reliant upper.



Edited by GoSlash27
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Jeb was my first Kerbal in orbit in 1.05 and Val was my first to visit the Mun (flyby).

I personally make no allowances for gender. They are all qualified kerbonauts and I treat them as such. It is, however, important that I keep all of my kerbonauts in rotation in the early going so that they will be experienced for the later missions.

As for your ship design and piloting: Excellent job on the gravity turn. It's textbook as far as I can tell.

I personally would not stage just to activate another copy of the same engine. In my experience, SSTO is lighter than that approach. My early orbital flights had a SRB first stage and a Reliant upper.



Thanks :D

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