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Accidently deleted a contract- can I hack it back in?

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I accepted a contract to rescue a Kerbal from Munar orbit, but when reviewing my contracts I accidentally hit the big red X (my confirmation popup pet peeve strikes again- when a scientist gathers data you get the are you sure? popup, when deleting an accepted contract you get nothing! gah! :sticktongue: Popups in any software are rarely in the right places...). Anyhow, just wondering if the remnant of the contract is hanging around somewhere and if I can fudge it back in somehow.

In my quicksave.sfs I have this chunk of code, which I think could be it- if so where can I put it to make it active? (I suppose I could write over one of the crappy contracts that exist in the list to choose from) :

guid = bce3a91b-9b3d-41e5-96c0-1687c4bf280f
type = RecoverAsset
prestige = 2
seed = 610366082
state = Offered
agent = Rokea Inc
deadlineType = Floating
expiryType = Floating
values = 49031.4776989796,69624698.332551,85700.1629892254,225160.692785572,87995.7008703231,0,13.1791,14,220628.070199842,0,0,0
targetBody = 2
kerbalName = Chaddan Kerman
partName = landerCabinSmall
partID = 0
recoveryLocation = 1
recoveryType = 1
gender = 1
name = AcquireCrew
state = Incomplete
values = 17820,0,0,6,0
title = Save Chaddan Kerman
winOn = 0
name = RecoverKerbal
state = Incomplete
values = 0,0,0,0,0
title = Recover Chaddan Kerman on Kerbin
failOn = All
winOn = All

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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Nope this is not the same contract - "state = offered" means the contract is the available in the first tab.

From my testing it seems the set of failed and cancelled contracts is not persisted - meaning that if you save&load those will get lost. So if you really want to get the exact same cancelled contract, your only option is to revert to previous saves that contains this contract - either directly start from there, or copy the corresponding CONTRACT{} section to the save you want to use.

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