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[Invention] Space Program Flight Records


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CRAFT: Mun Mobile VI

MISSION:Land On Mun, dispatch independent lunar rover for unmanned exploration, return crew to Kerbin.

CREW: [suppressed by thoughty police]



t-3: Ignition sequence start.

t-3: SAS system nominal

t-2: All 7 quad LF-engines of stage 1 successfully achieved ignition.

t-1: Throttle ramp initated

t-0: All 6 SRB Of stage 1.5 ignited sucsessfully

t+1: Pad clerance reported.

t+10: Flight stable, All systems nominal

t+80: SRB flamout

t+81: SRB stage separation succesful

t+100: retrograde gravity turn initated

t+120: stage 1 flameout

t+121: stage 1 separation

t+122: Warning: stage 2 ullage engine failure

t+125: stage 2 main engine started

t+130: retrograde TMI initated

t+150: TMI compete

t+151:stage 2 main engine shutdown.

t+3000: retrograde Munar orbit curcularization burn initated.

t+3005: burn ended.

t+3010: stage 2 separation

t+3011: Warning z axis rotation outside of mission and craft parameters.

t+3011: Warning impact detected

[engineers comments]

crew reports that the craft spun violently in the positive pitch direction for 180 and then shuddered as if impacting

analysis of the craft design indicate that the change of stage decoupler ejection force and placement from mission V may have introduced an torque impulse during decoupling

It is hypothesized that the impact felt was self impact on the separated second stage

this and the very high torque forces experienced may have contributed to subsequent events. ]

t+3030 spin nominal

t+4000 munar parabolic orbit indicated by OFPS

t+4010 munar synchronization burn initiated.

t+4020 Munar syncronization complete.

t+5030 Munar periphasis reached

t+5033 Munar curcularization burn initated

t+5045 Munar curcularization burn complete

[Flight log:

all systems and diagnostics appear nominal. initiating reentry burn. Lander out]

t+6245 Munar decent burn initated.

t+6260 phase 1 Munar decent burn complete. target locked in.

t+6265 Payload decoupler activated

t+6265 Warning: Payload not detected

t+6268 Warning: stage 3 Engines not responding

[flight log:

We have lost payload and landing engines. trying to resume engine function]

t+6341 Warning: Descent path critical

[Flight log:

Abort abort abort

activating return stage ]

t+6355 stage 3 decoupled

t+6360 Warning: stage 4 ullage engine not responding

t+6360 Warning: stage 4 main engine not responding

[Flight log:

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! ]

t+6365 Warning: Descent path critical

[Flight log:

AaaaaaaaaAAaaaAAA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!]

t+6395 Warning: Low altitude

t+6401 Error: Telemetry lost


It cannot be ruled out that crew incompetence contributed to the mission failure. The raw data stream indicates that the crew mistakenly dispatched the payload when playing a game of pocket ping pong during the descent phase. this practice should be discouraged.

However, the true cause of the deaths and Embarrassment rests solely with the engineering department. A recent design review indicates not only the above mentioned issue with a badly placed second stage decoupler but also that the fuel tank of the forth stage was not connected to any of the engines. To encourage a more thorough design process going forward, volunteers for subsequent missions will be assigned from the engineering staff.]


MISSION OUTCOME: Tragic loss of life and vital mission materiel.

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The Cousins Aerospace Enterprise has now entered the scene with its intentions of making space the ordinary. Progress is slow because after a successful hostile takeover merger with the Cousins Backyard Rocketry Project, all prior rocket plans were destroyed and the C.A.E is starting from scratch. Its inventory is slowly expanding, attempting to keep costs at a minimum through standardized rockets for specific purposes.


MISSION: Test fuel lines and their workings

CREW: :) ;D :o

LAUNCH DATE: 22 June 2012


MAX G\'s: 4.6 G



- Fuel Test: Success, know how to use fuel lines

- Vehicle Used: Experimental craft

Discovered new LIGHT? (further testing needed) satellite delivery system

Designation CAE-LS-Pegasus

- Left four pieces of space debris in orbit

- Re-entry: Shallow angle test, light G load experienced (< 5G)





1. Test Launch Capacity

2. Test Mun Flight Capabilities

3. Test Lunar Lander Capability

CREW: :):D:o

LAUNCH DATE: 22 June 2012


MAX G\'s: 2.3 G



- Launch Capacity of Pegasus tested

Upgraded to medium classification

Capable of carrying lunar lander confirmed

New version - CAE-MM-Falcon

- Mun Flight Capability

Can put 5 fuel cells, SAS, RCS, two stagers, and crew module into orbit

Can escape and get captured by Mun orbit with plenty of fuel to spare

Left lower stage in Mun orbit

- Lunar Lander Capability

Landing legs don\'t deploy properly, must test further

Plenty of fuel for descent

RCS untested

MISSION OUTCOME: Crashed on Mun, RIP Kerbalnauts


Next objective: Keep Space Clean Initiative (KSCI)

1. Rendezvous with space junk in Kerbit orbit

2. Attempt to 'capture' space junk

3. Push out of orbit into crash course with Kerbit

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CRAFT: Falcon 3

MISSION: Land on Mun and return safely to Kerbin

CREW: Ronbles, Sidcott, and Nielfel Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 22 June 2012


MAX G\'s: In progress



- TLI completed flawlessly

- Remebered 'I was going to Minmus, but what the hell'

- Captured by Mun at 5:37:09

- Bounced off of surface of Mun and came down hard.


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Craft: Deep Space Vehicle-I (DSV-I)

Mission: To create a perfectly imperfect, oblong orbit.

Crew: Sigly Kerman, Chadski Kerman, and Jorfry Kerman

Launch: 22 June 2012


  • [li]Apoapsis: 1,622,159m[/li]
    [li]Highest Speed: 2,801 m/s[/li]



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CRAFT: Genesis VII

MISSION: Test Munar capabilities of new Genesis VII rocket

CREW: Richrey, Desfrey, and Danby Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 23 June 2012



- 00:02:00 Booster Stage Separation

- 00:03:35 MECO

- 00:08:12 Orbit Achieved

- 00:10:49 TLI Completed

- 07:16:16 Munar Capture

- 09:28:15 Munar Orbit Insertion

- 16:12:27 14km Circular Munar Orbit Achieved

- 16:30:00 TKI Completed

- Computer crashes while editing post



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CRAFT: MISU MInmus SUrveyor

MISSION: Map and study Minmus from a low orbit

CREW: Unmanned Probe

LAUNCH DATE: June 18, 2012



-Launch vehicle has too much spare fuel

-Some debris left in Kerbin orbit

-Upper stage crashed into Minmusian terrain

-Impact yielded interesting results

-Send lander to study the surface?


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CRAFT: Unique I

MISSION: Land on the Mun and return

CREW: Halsted, Tomrey, and Elfry Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 24-06-12



-Ship used a combination of LFEs and Turbo Jets on take off, a concept that has proved its potential.

-Circularised LKO at 120kms, new standard.

-Against all odds, crew touched down the lander at >5m/s safely without any form of landing support. Landing legs to be added in future iterations.

-Due to incorrect burning: Ship left Mun SOI, ran out of fuel in HKO, re-entered Mun SOI and crashed onto its surface.

MISSION OUTCOME: Catastrophic Failure.

The terrible loss of the KSP\'s most talented pilots. Our condolences to the Kerman family, once more.

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CRAFT: SatNet 1

MISSION: Test flight - Deploy satellite in 100x100 km orbit

CREW: unmanned

LAUNCH DATE: June 24, 2012


-Established orbit in 6 minutes but lost contact seconds before satellite could be deployed

-Re-established connection after 33 minutes and deployed satellite

-Third stage with ion engines is not required and will be removed for the next launch

-Crashed in the sea after 43 minutes, no debris left in orbit


MISSION OUTCOME: Succes (kind of)

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CRAFT: Myliobar Interceptor

MISSION: HKO (High-Kerbin-Orbit) Spaceplane-Test

CREW: Flight Commander Gerald Kerman | Co-Pilot Fritz Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 23rd June 2012, 15:32 Hours


-Unknown radar signatures detected in high-orbit one hour previous to launch, satellites in area not-responsive

-Sensory equipment gone crazy; giving random results at 69,659 metres

-Crew reports feeling \'anxious\' and report \'it\'s like something is watching us\' at some point in-between 89,250 metres and 94,500 metres

-Sensory equipment failure beginning at 103,346 metres, auto-pilot failure, crew begin manually piloting to their target of 630,500 metres

-Radio failure at 113,636 metres, ship tracked through radar

-Radio contact re-established at 462,634 metres, approximately twelve minutes after radio was lost. Crew are in a panicked state and report controls are unresponsive, duel-engines shut-down. Crew is told to try to relax and explain what happened by Ground Control, Co-Pilot Fritz Kerman screams and static takes over radio as contact is lost once more

-Radio contact re-established again, seven minutes after lost again before. However, no response from crew. Ambient computer noise is heard in background, ensuring radio\'s are functioning

-Radar signature lost two minutes later

-Crew designated as \'Missing-In-Action\' and cover-story is made and published to public

MISSION DURATION: Twenty-nine minutes.

OUTCOME: Failure, Crew M.I.A.

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Set module to MuMechVariablePod, then add crewCapacity = [some number], at least if you have MuMechLib. Don\'t think it works with the standard CommandPod. And never tried it with numbers above 3, so be warned, it could work ;P

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CRAFT: Mun Mobile VI

MISSION:Land On Mun, dispatch independent lunar rover for unmanned exploration, return crew to Kerbin.

CREW: [suppressed by thoughty police]



t-3: Ignition sequence start.

t-3: SAS system nominal

t-2: All 7 quad LF-engines of stage 1 successfully achieved ignition.

t-1: Throttle ramp initated

t-0: All 6 SRB Of stage 1.5 ignited sucsessfully

t+1: Pad clerance reported.

t+10: Flight stable, All systems nominal

t+80: SRB flamout

t+81: SRB stage separation succesful

t+100: retrograde gravity turn initated

t+120: stage 1 flameout

t+121: stage 1 separation

t+122: Warning: stage 2 ullage engine failure

t+125: stage 2 main engine started

t+130: retrograde TMI initated

t+150: TMI compete

t+151:stage 2 main engine shutdown.

t+3000: retrograde Munar orbit curcularization burn initated.

t+3005: burn ended.

t+3010: stage 2 separation

t+3011: Warning z axis rotation outside of mission and craft parameters.

t+3011: Warning impact detected

[engineers comments]

crew reports that the craft spun violently in the positive pitch direction for 180 and then shuddered as if impacting

analysis of the craft design indicate that the change of stage decoupler ejection force and placement from mission V may have introduced an torque impulse during decoupling

It is hypothesized that the impact felt was self impact on the separated second stage

this and the very high torque forces experienced may have contributed to subsequent events. ]

t+3030 spin nominal

t+4000 munar parabolic orbit indicated by OFPS

t+4010 munar synchronization burn initiated.

t+4020 Munar syncronization complete.

t+5030 Munar periphasis reached

t+5033 Munar curcularization burn initated

t+5045 Munar curcularization burn complete

[Flight log:

all systems and diagnostics appear nominal. initiating reentry burn. Lander out]

t+6245 Munar decent burn initated.

t+6260 phase 1 Munar decent burn complete. target locked in.

t+6265 Payload decoupler activated

t+6265 Warning: Payload not detected

t+6268 Warning: stage 3 Engines not responding

[flight log:

We have lost payload and landing engines. trying to resume engine function]

t+6341 Warning: Descent path critical

[Flight log:

Abort abort abort

activating return stage ]

t+6355 stage 3 decoupled

t+6360 Warning: stage 4 ullage engine not responding

t+6360 Warning: stage 4 main engine not responding

[Flight log:

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! ]

t+6365 Warning: Descent path critical

[Flight log:

AaaaaaaaaAAaaaAAA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!]

t+6395 Warning: Low altitude

t+6401 Error: Telemetry lost


It cannot be ruled out that crew incompetence contributed to the mission failure. The raw data stream indicates that the crew mistakenly dispatched the payload when playing a game of pocket ping pong during the descent phase. this practice should be discouraged.

However, the true cause of the deaths and Embarrassment rests solely with the engineering department. A recent design review indicates not only the above mentioned issue with a badly placed second stage decoupler but also that the fuel tank of the forth stage was not connected to any of the engines. To encourage a more thorough design process going forward, volunteers for subsequent missions will be assigned from the engineering staff.]


MISSION OUTCOME: Tragic loss of life and vital mission materiel.


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CRAFT: Unique II

MISSION: Land on Minmus and Return to the KSC

CREW: Bill, Jebediah, and Bob Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 24-06-12


-New design of Unique Craft is much more stable, handles better and is less prone to wobbling. Wait, are they the same thing...?

-TurboJet engines last a little too long, and become useless before their root tanks are empty (consistent flaw in all Unqiue iterations so far). Recommend researching a solution.

-First stage ran out before crew remembered to set collision course with Minmus, and was sent spiralling out into Kerbol orbit. Shoot For The Mun Mission Control says 'Not our problem anymore.'

-Successful Minmus touchdown on methane lake.

-Return fuel ran out just before KSC return course could be fully set, and CM landed safely about 5 kms from shore. Rescue craft to be dispatched.

FLIGHT DURATION: 008:04:51:57


NOTES ON CRAFT: Unique II is the second in the line of SFTMTM\'s \'Compact\' Series. In other words, it is very small and looks epic. Interested?

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CRAFT: Noyuz-X2

MISSION: Orbit at 350,000 meters for three days.

CREW: Bill, Jeb, and Bob Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 6/24/2012

NOTES: Craft flew perfectly to desired orbit. MECO stage separated and de-orbited, solar panels on capsule deployed. Craft prepared for reentry, orbital module and service module separated from top and bottom of command module. Service module bumped into landing SRBs, landing SRBs sparked and ignited, slamming the orbital module into the command module. Reentry computer malfunctioned, craft re-entered the atmosphere upside down, began burning up at 42,000 meters, crew confirmed KIA at 18,000 meters.

FLIGHT DURATION: 00:03:03:56:03

MISSION OUTCOME: Catastrophic failure.

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CRAFT: Ladybug XI-4

MISSION: Munar rover, investigate loss of contact with Ladybug XI-1

CREW: CMD Camsby Kerman, PLT Munler 'Good Luck Charm' Kerman, ENG Mersel Kerman

LAUNCH DTG: 11:39 22 Jun 2012 (EDT)

FLIGHT LOG: (Abridged)

00:00:00 Ignition. Liftoff!

00:07:27 MECO2, 100km orbit nailed

00:15:30 TMI burn

04:50:00 Mun encounter

06:20:00 Deorbit burn

06:32:15 Munar touchdown at 0 9 57N 125 18 47W

06:36:00 Beginning search for evidence of Ladybug XI-1

06:57:00 Rover tracks found at 0 42 37N 127 39 45W. Tread pattern indicated NW direction of travel.

07:16:00 End of rover tracks found at 0 53 7N 129 44 57W 2961m at sharp dropoff of terrain down 15 deg.

07:19:00 Glancing impact trench discovered south of end of tracks. Possible bounce off terrain? Terrain grows steeper to south, turning E->S->W to investigate valley floor.

07:40:00 Crater and spacecraft debris field discovered at 0 3 58N 129 42 51W 1784m. Debris fragments consistent with Ladybug XI-1 rover.

09:22:00 Investigation complete, preparing to launch

09:25:00 Liftoff. Gear up at t+5s

09:26:54 MECO at 10km munar orbit

10:36:45 TKI burn


Mission Background: Ladybug XI-1 Munar rover mission to Great Rift Valley on Mun\'s far side. Contact was not reestablished as expected. Ladybug XI-1 presumed damaged/disabled/lost. Ladybug XI-4 launched to investigate/render aid if possible.

MechJeb flew a beautiful ascent; e=0.00008 after circularization at 100km

Highest ascent efficiency yet with XI series, total DeltaV = 4361 m/s

Necessity of Mun encounter tweak burns indicates earlier TMI for future flights



Ladybug XI-1 confirmed LOST

Analysis of relayed investigational data suggests Ladybug XI-1 crew attempted proscribed 'Ramp to Orbit' launch [first attempted (sucessfully) by Jebediah Kerman, et al.(See J. Kerman disciplinary records for details)] at valley edge (0 53 7N 129 44 57W 2961m). Evidence found indicates Ladybug XI-1 left the ground horizontally at velocity approx 80m/s (probable rocket assist), traveled about 100m before 'bouncing' off terrain, damaging/destroying one or both ascent engines. Vehicle then continued into uncontrollable descent into valley, impacting floor some 38 seconds after initial 'ramp' at a velocity of almost 90m/s (far above acceptable limits for crew survival). Crater at valley floor consistent with explosion of 2 partially filled FL-T500 fuel tanks, shattering and spreading vehicle debris over a wide area. Crew killed on impact.

The Kerbal Space Agency extends its deepest condolences to the families of CMD Seanlock Kerman, PLT Wehrner Kerman, and ENG Billy-Bobnard Kerman, crew of Ladybug XI-1.

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Log to be only seen by K. Johnson and other high authorities

CRAFT: Hermes-1

MISSION: Land successfully on the Mun and return back to Kerbin.




-MUSE MUnar SurvEyor probe launched prior as a communications satellite and to transmit maps of the Mun

-Launch was very successful

-All orbital maneuvers preformed flawlessly

-Landing target was an ancient crater on the far side of the Mun

-During landing, an adjustment was made so the crew would land closer in the crater, farther from the rim

-Autopilot Malfuction

-Lander lost control, begins to spin violently

-Crew eject in ascent stage and assume a low orbit around the Mun

-RCS Fuel is used in an attempt to reach Kerbin

-RCS runs out, crew stranded in orbit

-Crew reaches Perigee of orbit on far side of the Mun

-Communication is lost

-Communication NOT reestablished when capsule is at the near side.

-Signal is received from capsule:

01001001 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110000 01100101 01101110 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100011 

-Communications Restored

-Video Feed Online

-Capsule Empty

-Crew is confirmed MIA

MISSION OUTCOME: Catastrophic Failure, Crew MIA

FUTURE PLANS (To be reviewed by Kerman Johnson):

-Use MUSE to investigate where the crew was last recorded

Send another manned landing if you have to, just get the damn job done.

-Never go to the Mun again

Not on my watch. Say that again and you\'re fired.

-Focus on Project Cygnus

Shhh. We can\'t let our competitors know what we\'re up to.

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MISSION: obtain an orbit with expiremental craft

CREW: Bill, Jebediah, and Bob kerman



This was done in the demo ???

T+0:15 Slight tilt noticed

T+ 1:00 Tilt correction

T+ 02:25 Orbital hight reached, engine cut out, perparing for orbital burn

T+ 2:48 Orbital postion reached, burn starts

T+ 6:00 Preapsis gained, burn complete.

T+ 1:16:03 Circulization burn complete

T+ 1:45:?? Deorbit complete

T+ 1:55:30 landed in moutian, rolling off

T+ 1:56:?? SAS reactivated, saves crew.



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MISSION: Enter A polar orbit and take polar cap photos

CREW: Geofcott, Munvis, and Shersey Kerman

LAUNCH DATE: 6/28/2012


T+ 4:20 Orbital manuever began

T+7:28 Periapsis of 79,931/2 gained

T+2:08:50 Northern Cap Image aqiured

T+ 2:52:40 Southern Cap Images Aquired

T+ 3:18:51 Deorbital burn complete, perparing to land

T+ 3:36:34 Landing! Mission complete

FLIGHT DURATION:3 hours, 37 min, 4 seconds


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MISSION:Testing for a multi-role fighter

CREW:Gregli Kerman, Camrim Kerman and Neilcott Kerman


NOTES:Good power to weight ratio, a little off centre, very good at acrobatics and able to go mach 3 at around 4000+ meters

FLIGHT DURATION:20 min, 48 seconds


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