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If you had a video game idea....


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A play-with-civilization game. Not like Grand Strategy, but just like a 'how would the world react if I made dollar bills obsolete or made a major superpower a dictatorship?' It may get boring quick, but it might also be fun to try and settle everyone down or shut them up with wars.

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A history simulation. I wrote about the idea.

There should be a simulation where you watch history unfold but you can make modifications to what happens at certain times.

Example: The Roman Empire was never invaded by barbarians and they entered the Renaissance earlier than other nations. They gave England independance and discovered the new world

They named it 'New Romanus' Or 'Caeser'. They then set up cities and discovered Australia. They named it 'Icanus' and also set up cities there too.

They then entered the 'Atomic Age' in 1753 and started a space program called 'RSU' which then started construction of a moon mission in 1830.

In 1834 they had finished construction of the moon mission dubbed 'Jupiter I' and had 10 moon bases set up by 1879.

They had entered the 'Space Age' in 1935 with frequent missions to Jupiter, 24 moon bases, 14 Mars bases.

In 1984 the first manned mission to Alpha Centauri was launched and then had the first ever space station in another star system set up. It was called: 'Hadarin'.

They had disoverd FTL in 2039 and they had discovered an alien race and had peaceful relations Ect.

It would show the Earth and put text on the side and on the map it would show what is happening and it would also play little movies now and then.

Example: Instead of WWII/WWI It would just be the Space Race and the competitors Were: USA, USSR, Germany, Australia, China, India, England, Italy, and Switzerland.

In 1950-1970 a second Space Race happened and the competitors were: USA, USSR, Germany, Australia, China, India, England, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil, and Mexico.

Their goal was Mars. Then a thrid Space Race happened in 2030-2054 and the competitors were: *USS, *USSR, Germany, Australia, China, India, England, Italy, Switzerland, Brazil, and Mexico.

Their goal was The entire Solar System. In 2054, A scientist named Yuri Malenkov, made a FTL drive that was powered on Helium-3.

Almost in an instant, all of the nations in the world wanted to start mining the Moon and The Gas Giants for their Helium-3. The fourth Space Race happened in 2054-2100.

This time, the whole world competed in the Space Race. The destination was Alpha Centauri-Epsilon Endari. After this, The world united as one and continued to explore the stars.

*In 2025, Russia Decided to go to Socialism because Democracy was to corrupt. The USA also changed from Democracy to Socialism because Democracy kept granting power to corporations. Which then causes too many problems.

Example: The world has only discovered Nuclear power 2931 and tested nuclear weapons in 2960. They had discovered the basics of time travel in 1962 and had been using them for changing history.

These responses were generated randomly. There can be like, 100 different responses for moving barbarians away from destroying The Roman Empire.

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  Pluto100 said:

A history simulation. I wrote about the idea. Here is the attachment.

Interesting. I like the one where the middle ages never happened. I always wonder how far ahead we would be if not for that nearly 1000 years of nothing.

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  Endeavour said:

Interesting. I like the one where the middle ages never happened. I always wonder how far ahead we would be if not for that nearly 1000 years of nothing.

Maybe we would have already discovered space travel or something :P.

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  Endeavour said:

Interesting. I like the one where the middle ages never happened. I always wonder how far ahead we would be if not for that nearly 1000 years of nothing.

'1000 years of nothing' is a rather inaccurate summary of the Middle Ages at best. Without the social and technological changes that occurred (albeit slowly) during that time, there would be no modern age as we know it.

I would like to make a hard-SF space combat game using simplified spacecraft models and a minimalistic graphics scheme, a la DEFCON. Battles are confined to a 'theatre of war' as per the limitations of all factions\' targeting computer technology (and to minimize or eliminate the need to account for lightspeed information lag), and this theatre usually occurrs in the vicinity of a planet and/or its system of moons. As fleet admiral, the player\'s duty would primarily be ordering the ships around in sped up real-time. The player can outfit fleets with various loadouts and manage the maintenance and construction of bases to a limited extent.

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My own would be a highly accurate simulation of Trafalgar-era naval combat. You\'d get the chance to first command a gun, then a gun deck, then eventually work your way up to captaining a ship (which you\'d command down to the very sail settings, but you could also leave the setting of sails to your first officer). From there, you\'d be able to command a squadron of ships; but you\'d have to do so by sending flag signals. No God\'s eye view in this game!

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  Imandreas said:


I guess I would love to... wait, already done.

How about... Come on, done too!

I will settle on... WHY IS EVERYTHING DONE?!

Great ideas, guys. I cannot think of an original one, though.

Here\'s an idea: You play as an aspirant developer desperately trying to overcome their mental block.

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I\'d like to have a RPG with much customization, the whole world could be procedurally or random, it should just not get boring because of unnecessary limits or repeating quests.

And, anime-style 2D art, not 3D full of graphics glitches.

OK, I have no idea how you could randomize magic skills or aircraft, but it both has to be in too ;P

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okay, heres my idealised game

it would be one of those hero vs villain games BUT there\'s a difference

instead of the villain has some sort of portal or artifact which means that instead of the hero fighting evil ships from the game, the hero fights enemies from other games!

it would be cool to be killing fallout enemies and, lets say....mario enemies?

and maybe, the final boss is the artifact....that warps to final bosses from different games!

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A space game, but more in depth.

Launches from the Orbiter POV, but is more geared towards KSP-level flying, but instead of flying as a mission controller in 3rd person, be one of the astronauts inside, from mercury flight to moon landings and beyond.

This would include docking and inter-stellar travel, and would also mean the player could design their own rockets much easier than in other games.

This probably sounds very general, but what I imagine in my head trumps what you see in this post.

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