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Die Mondrakete

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Testing new parts leads to some wonderful things.

This is the vehicle I will use to reach the moon, when the time arises:


A core of two three-meter fuel tanks, with a protective sheath over the center engine, surrounded by six two-meter liquid fueled boosters. This thing is a BEAST.

No download yet, since some parts used aren't released yet.

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Testing new parts leads to some wonderful things.

This is the vehicle I will use to reach the moon, when the time arises:


A core of two three-meter fuel tanks, with a protective sheath over the center engine, surrounded by six two-meter liquid fueled boosters. This thing is a BEAST.

No download yet, since some parts used aren't released yet.

Hurry up! I want that bad boy :)

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This is the vehicle I will use to reach the moon, when the time arises:

A core of two three-meter fuel tanks, with a protective sheath over the center engine, surrounded by six two-meter liquid fueled boosters. This thing is a BEAST.

Looks pretty nice.

And, a bit off-topic: Why have foreigners affection to german names for something big or mysterious? ;)

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Looks pretty nice.

And, a bit off-topic: Why have foreigners affection to german names for something big or mysterious? ;)

French sounds too matter of fact, English mundane, Russian like a weapon, Greek ancient, Spanish... eh.

Anyway, back on topic.

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