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Some actions does not work after decoupling.

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I'm playing with stage recovery and stumbled over some troubles.

Let's say I have a vessel that consists of two part groups: smart (with control pod) and dumb (without) separated by decoulper.

Let's say I have AG1 in which I


"activate engine" on dumb

"arm parachute" on dumb

"lower legs" on dumb

After AG1 is activated all works fine except "lower legs".

Is it a known bug (featue)? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Landing gears and legs always start lowered even if they don't look like it. That's why you have to press the gear button twice if you really want to lower them the first time in flight.

You are talking about GEARS action group. It starts in state "lowered" ragardless of actual situation.

So the first activation of it calls "toggle" assuming "raise" and doesn't do anything if gears already retracted.

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