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Is an online mode possible?

Rocketeer Hopeful

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What if you could hook up with friends with multiplayer games? Now I know little on how something like this might work and the challenges that come with it. But wouldn\'t be fun to hook up with friends, land on the mun or minmus together, build a space station, cooperate. You would each have your own launch pads. The other rocket\'s command module would have distance and the friend\'s name displayed over head. Maybe in the very distant future you could mine materials together on other planets for the completion of missions as long as you made it back. Maybe building a moon base could be possible in the future and once enough resources were collected (or money), you could each build a moon base, so as to each launch rockets together from a mun base pad. I think a multiplayer feature (of course in the very distant future) would add some fun to this game. Anyone else?

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Rocketeer Hopeful,

Welcome to the KSP Forums!

Since you\'re new here, you\'re going to get a free pass on this one. I suggest you use the search feature and find one of the many dozens of threads already discussing this topic. It\'s already been stated that multplayer is not planned, but isn\'t out of the question. It\'s just too soon in development for anything other than a 'maybe' answer.

Happy Launching!


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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