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Have you ever been chased by an animal before? I have an typed up a story on how I was chased by ducks.

I have been chased by ducks before. Here are some stories.

1. When me and my sister were little, we went to a park to feed ducks.

She threw the bread at the ducks and the ducks started to chase her XD!

2. One time, I was at a park and I got to close to a duck and it started to chase me!

I was kinda screaming :P.

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Whats the idea of attaching txt document why cant you just post it here?

I don\'t know. I just like txt documents I guess :/.

Whats the idea of attaching txt document why cant you just post it here?

Wow. I am sorry!
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Wow. I am sorry! Poor ducks :P.

Geese, not ducks, ducks I have no issue with, geese though, geese need to culled, they over populate, don\'t migrate and they tear up the grass.

So when they are in the road, my truck doesn\'t slow. It only accelerates towards the bastards.

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I was once nearly bit by a dog with its owner. didnt hurt me tho, the teeth didnt get to me, it just got some pants insted.

never trusted most dogs anymore...

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I\'m really a holed-up nerd kinda guy, and don\'t have all that much interaction with animals. Sometimes I play with my cats and they playfully scratch or bite me, nothing serious. The really only time I\'ve been hurt by an animal was my friend\'s dog when we jumped off the dock at his cottage. The dog thought we were going to drown and bit at our ankles and tackled us sometimes, so that we wouldn\'t go in. We ended up making a game out of it.

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