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Satellite Placement Contracts - Not completed

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Apologies if this belongs in the Support/Bug section but I'm having issues with completing some (but not all) "Place a satellite containing x in a specific orbit around y" contracts.

The parameter that is failing to complete is the requirement for it to be a 'new unmanned probe'.

I can think of two possible causes for this:

[*]The 'new probe' is a subassembly core satellite with a few add ons to satisfy the contract requirements like a thermometer etc - could the fact that the probe is an old design be what is failing to trigger the parameter?
[*]The probe was launched attached to a manned vessel and deployed into orbit around its target (Mun) then maneuvered into its correct orbit - would the manned launch aspect be causing the system not to recognise that it is unmanned once deployed?

I'll try building a new satellite from the ground up and/or launching it solo on the next contract.

This is the craft file for the current launch - [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnlq8kf3t8vek9q/Mun%203%20%28Sat%29.craft?dl=0[/URL]

For info I have MechJeb, KER and ScienceAlert running on the Mac version

Edit: After saving the game and exiting to the front screen to check the version, reloading and returning to the probe - the condition is ticked and the contract is complete. Changed to answered but it is still odd. Edited by ChrisD
As per edit
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It is very possible that the fact that it is initially launched from a manned ship is causing the contract to not complete. Typically what I do for those types of contracts is to launch them unmanned. The "New Satellite" portion means that it must be constructed and launched from the VAB, not be a satellite already in orbit, and then change its orbit. I believe this has changed in 1.0.5, but i have not had the chance to test this yet.
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