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Falcon 33

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Behold, the Falcon 33!

Having this in a spoiler doesn\'t do it justice...


It\'ll take you where you want, when you want. Just add milk. Serves 1 adventurous pilot.

It will:

•Get you to the Mun with a ton of fuel to spare

•Get you to Minmus with a ton of fuel to spare

•Get you to Murs (assuming an aphelion twice the altitude of Kerbin)

•Get you beyond Murs AFAIK

•Serve as a temporary fuel depot, with 16-20 tanks of fuel left if placed into Kerbin orbit efficiently.

And, most importantly, it\'s all stock!

More screenshots:



Periapsis = 26Gm, Apoapsis = 50Gm. It still has ~3 tanks of fuel left. I bet it can reach the equivalent of Pluto.


Yeah, that\'s the Kerbin system directly above it. A pale, blue dot with a smaller gray one.


Uhh, yeah. Feedback is much appreciated.

Requires versions 0.15+

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.craft file??

WOW. I can\'t believe I forgot that. I swore to myself I wouldn\'t forget it when I started typing it out. Ugh. I\'ll get it up tomorrow as I\'m on my netbook right now.

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Try this (Don\'t actually go to the altitude) ;)

A Sedna - like object. 1000km diameter. 1,033,470,000,000m X 12,681,360,000,000m orbit. Rare launch windows. For the pros - or the patient. I am currently testing this.

Using a Trans-Sedna injecton, the game renders your orbit very linearly. I also estimate the time of the injection to be 3 days and 7 hours approx. with 10,000X time warp. With 1,000,000x, 47 minutes and 29 seconds. 28 seconds with 100,000,000x.

Or, can it go to Hydrakyrum? (5.2b from Kerbol)

And, how does it fare against the Kraken?

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It\'s not stock, it contains a rover ;P

Yeah, some of the screenies show the Cart version. But rest assured that the latest version and the .craft file are stock.

I uploaded the .craft file as requested.

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