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DCS World and the A-10c


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Anyone else play DCS and fly the A-10C?

Been wanting something different to play since 1.05 more or less ruined my most used mods for KSP, and after a couple of playthroughs of Dishonored I remembered I also have DCS World on my computer.

Initially I just flew the F-15c, as I used to fly it like crazy when LOMAC and FC2 were still going but eventually I got bored with that one. So, I figured I'd climb the ladder a bit and learn to fly the A-10C.

Started 2 days ago, and have more or less been following the basic training missions. Read the manual back to front and once I went through the startup mission I set up my own checklist on a little notepad that I have at my desk. 40 steps to get the thing going is just bonkers, and totally awesome. And thats with a clean aircraft. I haven't gotten to weapons yet, as I'm still practicing general flying and then landing. Landing isn't so bad, but I'm also not used to how quick the aircraft slows down even without breaks or flaps going. Last time I flew something this slow was when I still had MSX and was doing cargo flights in a 747. And I can't even remember when that was.

I have tried following the training mission for it but it skips some steps, so I've just been running short flights between a couple of airfields to practice. Once I have that down, its time to move on to weapons ^_^

Eventually though I want to learn the P-51, just because it looks so cool and because it'd be a nice change of pace from modern military aircraft.
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<-- Another DCS'er here.

I have almost all the modules, (only left are the 3 prop planes and FC3).

The A-10 is a study sim, you've got to read and do tutorials, etc.
I only bought A-10 a few months ago, still can't use it properly weapons-wise, but you'll do it eventually, it's only a matter of practice and time, remember that we're dealing with an almost perfect copy of the aircraft here, it won't be easy.
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^ Flying it isn't really so bad, and now I've actually got landing down now that I realized the missions I was running was having me come in way too close to the runway at the final waypoint before landing. Pushing back and getting a headstart on the checklist a minute or two out from approach has helped a lot with that. No more having to descend from 2000 feet from less than a mile out and hoping I can slow down at just the right rate. Can come in nice and smooth just like on a fighter.

Weapons, I'm not sure how its gonna go for me. I know that the A-10 has more complex weaponry compared to the F-15 I'm used to, but at the same time I'm also highly impressed with how easy it is to use all the systems with my Warthog HOTAS*. I have a feeling it'll fit me like a slipper. Bout to start training for it here in a moment.

*I know it sounds funny to have bought the Warthog HOTAS and only just now starting to fly the actual aircraft, but I wanted the HOTAS originally because it was the best quality stick and throttle I could see for the money at the time. And I wasn't wrong.

Something else I've noticed after watching some videos of the A-10C in-game is that I really, REALLY want a Track IR. While I've found a decent enough setup using basic KB/mouse view controls, boy oh boy would TIR be a dream. Edited by G'th
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Finished going through the weapons training, and I have to say it was pretty straightforward. Though the Maverick ended up being a hella lot harder to use than I originally expected. Definitely going to have to run a lot of practice missions with the weapons.

Guns and rockets are pretty easy. Tricks I learned in fighters work pretty well for getting sights on a target with them as well as the peel away, and what luck, most targets are stationary. A2A was also fairly straightforward.

Unguided ordnance was, strange to say the least. Mostly because it seemed like there was a step missing somewhere during training. Had problems releasing the bombs and even when I thought I had it all lined up and good, i still end up missing. I'll have to go over these a bit more.

MAV's I just didn't expect to be so hard to keep on target. Got it going though once I learned to come in slow and steady.
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