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Change the value displayed for Admninistrative Strategies

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Hello there,

I think it might be a good idea to change the way the values are displayed in the administration center. Today, i wanted to do the "Research Sell-Out" for those sweet 322.399 credits for just 5 science.... Only to realize this meant 322 and 399/1000th credits, and not 322 thousand 399 hundred. It's a small thing, and it certainly isn't a real problem, but for people playing hard-mode this can be a bit of a pain.

The solution might be to also display the value in letters?

Anyways, just a small suggestion!
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[quote name='Jim Holden']Hello there,

I think it might be a good idea to change the way the values are displayed in the administration center. Today, i wanted to do the "Research Sell-Out" for those sweet 322.399 credits for just 5 science.... Only to realize this meant 322 and 399/1000th credits, and not 322 thousand 399 hundred. It's a small thing, and it certainly isn't a real problem, but for people playing hard-mode this can be a bit of a pain.

The solution might be to also display the value in letters?

Anyways, just a small suggestion![/QUOTE]

Welcome to the forums:D,

This is a tough one to solve though, as the decimal character is sometimes a point, and sometimes a comma, depending on the country you live in. In Mexico, UK,US, Australia, China and about half the countries in Africa use the point (according to Wikipedia), while Russia, Europe, South America and the other half of countries in Africa use the comma. For half the people this will not even be wrong. I hope it didn't have very drastic consequences for you.
(Disclaimer: I generalized it a bit, so there are some exceptions)

Taking that into account using words would be the least confusing option.
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I too think that the research rights sell out science to funds ratio is stupidly low. That being said, I don't think you should get 300,000 kerbucks for 5 science.

I think the conversion ratio should be 1 Science - 1000 Funds.
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