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Hi! This is where many of my released craft live in, many of them replicas, but I can certainly do other things as well. These are crafts from a simple 81 part Vega Rocket with the Sentinel 2A spacecraft to the highly detailed ~450 part Voyager/Titan III replica, the single most complete replica of the craft. This is basically a a move over of the same thread in the Rocket Builders, but updated.
My crafts usually use stock, or ~5 mods.

Major notes!  11/30/2015  The forum migration has officially turned this thread into a disaster zone, all the BBcode is reduced to text, I may have to do a full on recovery... :(
The craft part ranges from ~80 parts to ~450, depending on the detail or purpose. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my crafts.


Duna Aerospace



The Delta 6925 was the first Delta II, flying in 1989. It replaced older Delta's and had longer tanks. This replica carries a GPS satellite, which is stowed and contains a small Star 27 rocket to raise itself into a ½ day orbit. There is also a Solar Panel open version of the GPS.



DELTA II 6925-8

Only one Delta 6925-8 was ever launched, carrying Palapa B2R, a satellite that was stranded in Low Earth Orbit after it's kick motor failed to ignite, and did not go to GTO in 1983. It was recovered by a Space Shuttle, refurbished, and launched in 1990. it features a "straight eight" (eight foot) fairing which made the rocket streamlined all the way up. This replica contains a Delta K stage, star 48 SRB, and a internal kick motor in the HS-376, a cylindrical satellite bus that was very popular at the time. This was built in 1.0, so performance values on SRBs have changed, so fuel must be adjusted for going to GKO.




My first Replica, for America's Rockets.
The Delta 3 was initiated as a response to increasingly high payloads in the satellite market, as it was meant to replace the smaller Delta II. Built to carry 3.8 metric tones to GTO, it contained a beefier kerosene tank, shorter than the Delta 2's but equaling in fuel amount. The SRB's were upgraded, and a Cryogenic Upperstage was built, unlike the Delta K Hypergolic fuel mixture 2nd stage on the Delta 2. However, the rocket was introduced when the satellite market collapsed in the late 1990's, and a string of failures left it unable to compete. This replica contains a Galaxy 10 styled spacecraft, the Delta IIIs first payload.


I've been working on other projects, which has distracted me from the Delta II Heavy replica with GRAIL (Munar Probes replica) stowed versions.
However, I have come and worked around game bugs that have been associated with the craft. I have made the fairings as accurate as possible. This craft is 100% scale to real life (about). It has better detail than my first Delta II's (GPS carrying 6925, and 6925-8 comsat carrier) and it is an 7920H-10 (GEM boosters, 9 of them, with a 2nd stage, and no 3 third stage, Heavy Version Booster, 10 foot fairings diameter.) The Delta II Heavy no longer flies today, but has advanced planetary science and astrophysics (Such as MER Opportunity, MESSENGER, Dawn, Spitzer, GLAST, GRAIL, etc.)

I have included a Cryogenic vent port for fashion, (The real rocket contains such) and Is activated with 1. I have been able to make a better interstage, and I have thrust taper on my GEM-46 rendition. With the Grail Probes, I have no hinges for the spacecraft, but you can likely build them with infernal Robotics.
KerbalX Download
Craft Stats: 196,325Kg total, 4899 M/s Delta V Launcher (Can Be adjusted, as it is not full) 1.88 TWR, 76K funds launcher, 23K for each probe, 122K total. 1369Kg Probes, 653 M/s Delta V.
If you have a subassembly space probe, or have flown it, feel free to post what you would like, and have fun!

Another America's Rockets mission.
The Atlas-Centaur rockets flew from 1962 to 2004, flying 197 times, and launching many prolific missions, including Pioneer 10&11, Mariner 9&10, The Surveyor Landers, SOHO, among others. It has a half stage to boost it off the ground, which burns with the sustainer engine. The half stage booster should be dumped at over 10km. This also has a 2 engine Centaur, with RCS and plenty of Delta V. Feel free to add a payload to this rocket, it costs about 50K to launch, and you can likely do a Pioneer 10 styled mission.

Press 1 to disable the side Booster engines.


Here is my Atlas V 551 replica, which is my first replica in 1.0.4. This replica is at 98 parts and weighs 288 tones.
This Recreation has high TWR (around 1.8) though not as high as the real Atlas V, which had about 2.1. The Atlas V 551 was used to launch spacecraft such as New Horizons and Juno.
This recreation has a Boattail like the Atlas V, made with wing parts, but there is the stock fairing too.




Flight Instructions

-SAS engage, throttle, ignition
-Start turning right after liftoff, turn to about 80 degrees by 1km.
-Reach around 45 when you pass ~10kms. Continue to turn, and ditch the first stage as you reach high into the atmosphere.
-Use the Centaur to circularize/ raise apoapsis. With an flea SRB, this rocket can be used to send a New Horizon like probe out of the Kerbol system.



After dozens of hours of work, here is my replica of the space shuttle, the face of NASA for some 3 decades. This is a functional replica of the powerful rocket at a mere 230 parts, and with adjustments, capable of carrying payloads of at least 25 tons into low keratin orbit. The replica features uses of LFO to make the OMS run off realistic-isn fuels. This partially reusable spacecraft is capable of recovery back at the KSC runway. The SRBs are also recoverable, with drogues and main parachutes.
This craft has an empty cargo bay. This craft is unique in using a 5 segment cargo bay, and custom wing part OMS pods.

Mods: Procedural Parts (custom style tanks and boosters), Tweakscale (extensive scaling of engines, and to make the custom OMS pods, part reduction etc), Kerbpaint (Changes colors on some parts), Infernal Robotics (makes the space shuttle antenna come to life), and KJR (massive part reduction, allows 2X, even 3X time warp on ascent).
This is one of the hardest of my replicas to fly during some phases of the launch, first with the factors of extensive thrust limiting for individual engines.
The takeoff thrust at liftoff should be the default 50%, and a full attempt to pitch back the booster with effort.
In the following kilometers, the overall thrust must be increased, then the lower two engines must have the engine thrust boosted.
The RCS is not needed during ascent, though at around 8 kilometers the STS assembly will try to pitch towards the ground, so you will have to account for that and fly a steep trajectory, and be around 60-70 degrees at that altitude to combat the pitch in the next few seconds of the flight.
The SRBs will separate. Later, the bottom engines will need to be throttled as low as 70% to keep the rocket from pitching. OMS will be needed for those who want to carry large payloads
Reentry is done in a standard reentry not unlike that of other space shuttles.

Current Status: Upgrading to 1.0.5 with Galileo, but roll programs are still ridiculously hard.

Arianespace, ESA

Ariane 5G

This features the use of skipper engines as the Vulcain, with a custom pipes on the side, as using a KR-2L is not only underpowered, but also in terms of size not as exact.
The SRB's feature thrust curves using the clipped SRBs, which burnout one by one to simulate the slow tapering of SRBs. This replica also applies as a Ariane 5G+.
This replica features SYLDA, the 2 satellite adapter. It is a fairing, which allows for an accurate shape, but still confetti...
The Satellites are inspired by the Eurostar 2000 bus and the GEOStar-2. Below is the launch sequence pictures.



Flight Trajectory (Direct GTO insertion, and not necessarily most efficient trajectory)

-Take Off!
-Reach 80 degrees at 1km
-45 by around 10km.
-Slowly turn, dump SRBs
-Reach 20-30 degrees at about 30 Kilometers. This is where you are likely to stay at in pitch for most of the flight.
-Dump farings, dump Cryogenic First stage.
-Ignite 2nd stage and feel free to fly how you'd like, but keep going vertical, and reach a height of 2868km, and you are in GTO.
-Once you jettison the spacecrafts, warp to apoapsis, and burn till you are in GEO (KEO?). The upper spacecraft has more thrust, but less Delta-V, while the bottom has more, but only 1/9th the thrust.
Enjoy! :)

VEGA and Sentinel 2A
Decided to do this one a couple days before it flew.
Here is my Replica of the Vega Rocket and Sentinel 2 spacecraft, which launched on Jun 22nd. The Vega rocket is the lightweight rocket of Arianespace and ESA's workhorse, with 3 solid rocket stages and a small liquid 4th stage. Vega rockets can carry up to 2,500 kg to LEO. I've added the Sentinel 2 spacecraft, an Earth Observation spacecraft of ESA's Copernicus Program. It carries a Multi Spectral Instrument, with 13 spectral channels.



This Replica clocks in at a lightweight 84 parts, and as a note for the 4th stage, i've set the thrust to 10 kilonewtons, but if you want the real thrust the actual AVUM stage has, quarter it. I've made it run off monoprop, as it has nice round tanks like the real Attitude and Vernier Upper Module.

ESA Spacecraft:
Here is Giotto, ESA's first cometary probe, the first to flyby comets twice, to use an earth flyby, and took the first detailed pictures of a cometary nucleus. This replica also contains a 3 stage Ariane 1 rocket, with a 4 engine/4fin stage, and a thin 2nd and 3rd stages. I've made this replica for only 181 parts, so performance will be vastly better than other high count replicas. Clamshell Fairings were used in the album below.
Download (KerbalX)
63,287 Kg total, 5376 Vaccum D/v, 1380 kg probe, 834m/s probe rocket, 225m/s forward translation, rocket liftoff TWR is 1.29. 60,556 funds.

American Spacecraft/Space Probes

GPS Block II

The solar panels are fixed, so if you would like, rotate them in the VAB/SPH (Or add IR!) Also, GPS is now over 25 years old.

The GPS Block II spacecraft became the first operational and public GPS system in the world, and were launched from 1989-1990, becoming the first spacecrafts to be carried into space by a Delta II rocket. GPS systems have changed the world, allowing location and time information anywhere in the world. They orbit once every 12 hours.



Pioneer Venus Orbiter

This Replica has a slew of scientific instruments (though the cost makes it suboptimal in career, and you'll have to snip off the magnetometer because it is very long.)
The Pioneer Venus Orbiter was launched in 1978 by an Atlas-Centaur to be America's first orbiter to Venus. It carried a slew of Radars, polarimeters, Magnetometers, and spectrometers to investigate Venus. It operated till 1992, and reentered the atmosphere. The spacecraft was based off the Hughes 507 spacecraft bus.




The Gravity Recovery and Interior laboratory Twin spacecraft launched aboard a Delta II rocket to map the Gravitational field of the moon to determine it's interior structure in 2012. It used a low energy transfer using the L1 Lagrange point to reduce fuel requirements. While you can't do that in KSP (yet), this replica can still orbit the moon. It had a short mission, lasting less than an year, but conducted major science before it impacted into the moon. It was part of the Discovery Program of low cost mission less than 450 Million$.

Now you can study the Mun's gravity with my replica of the twin space probes nicknamed Ebb and Flow. It comes with a few science experiments, weighs 1299 Kg, 60 parts, and a hefty 703 m/s of delta-V. It's monopropellant powered like the real spacecraft.



Centaur G Prime
Here's my replica of the Centaur G Prime, the largest upper stage intended for use aboard a space shuttle, which would have a high efficiency Hydrogen-LqdOxygen powered RL 10 engines, which would have allowed Galileo, Ulysses, and other large spacecraft to reach their intended target on a single stage deployed from the space shuttle. Sadly, in the wake of the Challenger Disaster, the Centaur G was cancelled mere months before it's maiden flight date due to safety reasons. Hopefully, this subassembly will do just fine for your payloads across the Solar System.
A few Notes:
The Centaur can angle itself before full release with use of a claw.
Stats:25 tons (Upper stage itself), 400 Kn max, 140 parts, all stock, ~3000 m/s of Dv

Modded Spacecraft

Mod Craft:

The first replica I built, I put in as much detail as i could find and do with a sane amount of parts, a standard for the Pioneer, Voyager, and soon Galileo and Ulysses probes below.
After DasValdez started making his New Horizons, I couldn't resist making a recreation. New Horizons is the first spacecraft to fly by Pluto. I've put lots of detail into the replica, and while I originally had overheat problems, I was able to fix them. I believe this replica has about 1.98 TWR (Not as much as the 2.13 of the irl version!), so feel free to tweak thrust on them. The spacecraft has all the instruments. The replica is 100% scaled, which is why it is not fully fueled. While I have 99Kns of thrust on the Centaur, you should go full thrust, because it greatly reduces gravity losses.

Notes-You will CERTAINLY have to change RCS blocks because of the unbalanced probe, as with Pioneer 10/11.
Mods Required!
Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, and tweakscale. I also have JebediahKerman42's FreedomTex texture pack. I recommend Stock Clamshell fairings for the fairings.
Some KVV shots: The first stage one has the SRB's messed up, but it doesn't happen on the pad.
The New horizons Recreation full album, with the history of the spacecraft, and gifs.

Thanks for reading, leave some rep if you enjoy! :DNew horizons and the Atlas V 551

Pioneer 10 and 11 with Atlas-Centaur
This is my 2nd modded replica, and chronologically the first in my Exploring The Gas Giants series, which will take a while to produce.
Mods Required: Dmagic Orbital Science, Infernal Robotics, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, and tweakscale, and Stock Clamshell Fairings greatly improves the quality.
Stats: Probe weight is about 700 Kg, 165 parts, rocket is about 314 total including probe. Scale is about 77% vs real life. TWR is about 1.38. Default Centaur thrust is about 130, full thrust recommended.
The Probe is highly detailed, and in fact, the scaling tweak scale can do was actually a problem when trying to simulate science experiments. Sadly, I wasn't able to simulate the classical half stage in the technique I built the probe. Also, at 10-100X warp, some parts may get very hot, a stock game bug caused by clipping.
Here is the highly detailed KSP recreation which is aided with IRL images.
Flight Tips:
The Sustainer Engine has low TWR, so you should pitch up to 30 or so degrees above the horizon. The rocket launches 90 degrees to the side, so I recommend you turn it 90 degrees too. The sustainer *might* explode during half stage jettison. Also, you should add batteries to Pioneer 10/11, as the original doesn't have even 100 charge.
​If you download this replica, post your experiences below, and if you have some subassemblies for the Atlas-Centaur, feel free to post.

Voyager 1-2 and the Titan IIIE
WIRFzgR.pngVoyager 1 and 2 are possibly the most prolific missions ever launched, becoming the farthest probes ever launched, and becoming the first to image the Jupiter and Saturn in great detail, the first to fly past Uranus/Neptune (Voyager 2), and the first to reach interstellar Space (Voyager 1). The Titan IIIE Centaur is included, with a detailed replica of things from the Centaur's Ullage Motors to blast ports on the first to second stage interstage. The Voyager spacecraft translates far better than the Pioneer 10/11 replica, the forward and backward is very stable, though other translations aren't as reliable, due to the uneven shape of Voyager.

Notes: The overheat bug does happen to affect this craft. Sometimes the parts around the Centaur may overheat, though starting from a quick save mid flight seems to fix issues. Some parts will overheat after about 40 minutes sometimes in 1-100X warp. Besides this (hopefully fixed in 1.1), it is mostly well, but KJR is needed to keep it from going wobbly between first stage and second stage after SRB separation.

Mods: Procedural Parts, Procedural Fairings, Tweakscale, Hullcam, Infernal Robotics, Dmagic Orbital Science, KJR (Not really required, but if you want this to get into orbit without being a 30 meter tall noodle, I recommend it), Kerbpaint (Optional, but gives custom paint jobs for a more accurate Voyager), FreedomTek texture pack (More Procedural Parts textures)

Action groups
1 and 2 control the RTG boom,
3 and 4 control Instrumentation boom.
5 and 6 control the scan platform
9 controls the deployment of Dmagic Instruments
0 Shut Down of First stage engines

Download (Original Craft, flown in my recreation)

KVV pictures: [imgur]vHMx5[/imgur]
Spacecraft Launch recreation/ Real Life Images explaining the spacecraft/Rocket:
Spacecraft main mission recreation:

Craft From The Asteroid Sentinels

​Sentinel Space Telescope

This replica uses only parts from the Asteroid Day mod/Stock. I have equipped the telescope with a Basic Falcon 9 Replica which also has (for effects) Cryogenic Vents. The Sentinel Space Telescope is planned to be launched from 2017-2018 (but likely will be delayed, as B612 hasn't managed to get enough funding), where it will fly by Venus to lower it's orbit, to look out towards the Earth's Orbit to find Asteroids that could hit Earth.
Download (KerbalX)
Stats: 145 parts, 2600 kg telescope, Telescope has 500 m/s of Delta-V.


Dalek Replica
Here is my first Sci-Fi Build, The Doctor's most dangerous and oldest enemies from the TV Series Doctor Who. This one features the Daleks from the New Series, introduced is the Series 1 story Dalek. I have tried to replicate the function and detail/Size of the Daleks as much as possible, even simulating the Levitation capability with rockets, though some details were omitted due to bugs and performance. Please do not time warp or physics warp, the notorious time warp to overheat bug has struck again, though is mitigated if you stay on 1X warp.
Download (KerbalX)

Stats:236 Parts, 100 KG of Fuel, 730Kg. ~300m/s DV
​Action Groups: (Infernal Robotics) 1,2, Head Swivel, 3,4 Laser Gun Up and Down, 5,6 Plunger Manipulator, 7,8 Plunger front up down, -,= Eyestalk up and Down, (Stock) 9, Toggle Lights.

Dalek 2005 Less Parts
Low part count version, with 91 less parts than the 236 part count original, at 145. It weighs 668kg, and uses only one engine instead of a dual, and has 478m/s D/v. Action Groups are same.

B6TLwOU.jpgThis is my Tardis, built because I was partially bored and I didn't want to start on my Galileo Replica, which would take huge chucks of time. This Tardis is 215 parts and weighs 4734 kilograms. It has 4 rocket engines and 1 jet engines. This Tardis is based off the 2005 and 2010 Tardis. Don't physics warp unless you are ok with the top lights shearing off. ;)

The TARDIS is one of the most iconic spaceships ever to reach the TV screens. Introduced in 1963, it is disguised as a 1929 Mackenzie-Trench Police Box permanently after it's "Chameleon Circuit" broke down. It has traveled across both ends of Time And Space.
Action Groups: 1 to toggle top lights.
MODS: Tweakscale, and Kerbpaint, KJR Recommended


SATURNIANBLUE Naval Dockyards Division

1.0.5 Torpedoes+Launcher, KerbalX

Stats: 3 barrels, 39.7 tons, 127 parts total. Each torpedo has 16 parts plus a decoupler. The initial boost out the tube is powered by seaports while the jet starts up. The torpedoes have probe cores for optional control.
The real Mark 15s were generally launched out of quintuple barrel launchers, but I didn't do that because of part count and wanted to keep the launcher slim. Also notable : This launcher has no reload capability, a capacity only IJN destroyers had (I think?)

Now for the Pics!


Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you clear seas on your naval adventures around Kerbin! (Maybe Eve+Laythe?

WIP: Constellation pack (In Limbo) [imgur]evYtI[/imgur][imgur]qpvtG[/imgur]
Space Shuttle Done, upgrading in 1.05. Galileo recreation is being worked on.
Very High Detail PT-Boat stock, interior 25% done.
Naval Destroyer ships (WWII Era?)
ADM and ARM from The Asteroid Sentinels.
More Torpedo Variants.

Thank you for reading, Feel free to Rep :)



STS Space Shuttle


Triple Barrel Mark 15 Torpedo Launcher


This is a working torpedo launcher equipped with torpedoes that are based off and inspired by the Mark 15 Torpedoes used by the US Navy is WWII.

This craft has three barrels, which contain these torpedoes. Each torpedo is powered with a Juno engines, allowing speeds of up to 62 knots in speed, for as far as ~80 kilometers. This launcher should be used on Destroyers and Cruisers, but as an example, this craft has a rig with ore tanks carrying 9.158 tons of Ore. Since the craft is not limited onto a ship, by default it can use SAS to turn the craft.

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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Do you like the format and the logo? I know the torpedoes spoiler is acting a bit funky.

Progress updates-Constellation pack is probably on hold until further notice (Of course, the Constellation pack threads died long ago ;( ).
The Space Shuttle is being updated, but there's some weird bugs with not being able to interact with some parts in one version, and in the second version roll programs aren't woking well, and the shuttle pitches badly sometimes, and since the 3GB limit keeps me from launching more than once per session, it's a slow process.
IUS assembly may be released soon(TM). Galileo probe I'm using with the crafts (Full thing 598 parts) will only be released after full Galileo recreation run is actually done.
PT Boat- the deck is done, and as stated, basically a quarter done on the inside, the crew quarters are now complete. now need to work on the cute little kitchen.
Destroyers- Not currently built, my first will be the IJN Fubuki, which makes me realize that I will have the ability to recreate the PT-109 incident... After that, plans will be for a Fletcher. These will likely use tweakscale and 500+ parts.
Asteroid Sentinels craft-they are already flying and built as anyone reading the story knows, but the mission haven't been done, so I won't release them yet...
Torpedo Variants-those I can work on anytime, but this is fairly low priority.
Akatsuki-JAXA probe entering orbit around Venus. May be done, uncertain. Edited by SaturnianBlue
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