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my crafts from a deep sea dive challenge


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well I fell like showcasing some of my crafts and its been a while. this was also from the deep sea divers 1.0.5 challenge but anyway here's 2 crafts I made for it.

the first video your about to see is my first prototype no ore tanks or anything like that just a jet thruster going where no kerbals has gone before


the second video is a much more heavier submarine weighing in at over 768.4 tons! and can carry over 64 kerbals (passengers) 2 kerbals (cockpit) = 66 kerbals :D

and its about 1:10 long 1 hr. 10 min. a good chunk of it was speed up or convenience well anyway here it is

The only mod that you see is RASTERPROPMONITOR the challenge called for STOCK ONLY with info and or beauty mods as an exception
I decided to have an info mod installed but that's all I ever needed but man oh man that 700+ ton sub can do LONG distance dives

anyway tell me what you think of meh crafts for this and what else I could have done to improve these designs :D

anyway hope you all enjoy


Edited by Lego8_bit
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