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Lego8_bit's showcase (11/29/15)


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Clanky Ships Corp.

welcome to my company I feel like showing off most of my ships in a showcase so here you go.
video and pictures of my tanks/planes/rockets/vtol/hovercraft/sstos/rovers/ and SUBMARINES!!!! both stock and or modded

(Note: when you see legacy build by a name of a craft that I made then the specs are classified to the public)

This is the First official Vehicle for warfare meet:
Rhino HA class

Rhino HA Class tank

My next 2 entries are subs

meet my first test sub called:
mini sub mk1
cap: 3 kerbals
weight: 6.2 tons

here's the video of my first sub

NEXT MY second sub that actually goes the distance
met my first passenger sub:
CAP: 66 kerbals
weight: 768.4 tons!!

ok here is also a legacy build (.25) from one of my old challenges another video
NAME: NP turbo Rover/w glider attachment
specs: classified (sorry legacy builds in my company have classified specs to them > : D)

and finally my hover craft:
Skipper mk2.5
Cap: 2 kerbals
weight: 16.5 Tons

video of a run though black krags

One of my special mk2 planes (Legacy build):
mach 3 prototype
Specs: Classified

Name: NP turbo Jet (Legacy Build)
Specs: Classified
Atmospheric bug occurred when I took this picture

that's all I got for now anyway more will be coming soon I promise and that's the company list up to date hope everyone enjoys the showcase also let me know if any suggestions to make any of my crafts a bit better with there performance.

thanks for your time :D

Edited by Lego8_bit
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