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Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. - Collaborative Catalog and Development Thread


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just moving this over to Spacecraft Exchange for now... will clean up later.


[SIZE=7]Shuttlecraft Systems Inc.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=6][URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-0-KSP-0-25-Alpha"]DarkMultiPlayer[/URL] Server: [URL="http://d-mp.org/p/slist"]ssi.kerbalcentral.com[/URL] port 6702[/SIZE]

Welcome to Shuttlecraft Systems Inc! Anyone familiar with Star Trek will know what a shuttlecraft is. Short, stocky, and functional, they don't look like space planes. They look like personal sporting auxiliary spacecraft!


All SSI spacecraft are made with stock parts only, and are designed and tested by the best engineers KSP has to offer. We now offer all kinds of auxiliary spacecraft: MMUs, OTVs, workbees, shuttlecraft, runabouts, and more, all fitting a minimalistic Kerbalized StarTrek-esque design footprint. Our craft will therefore sport advanced miniaturization technology (aka clipping) without physical cheating (no over-clipped fuel tanks) to meet footprint requirements so they complement rather than compete with, your station or ship.

[B]NEWS AS OF NOVEMBER 2014![/B] SSI is now [U]the first[/U] rocket building company to exclusively publish all craft files in multiplayer universe via the KSP [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-0-KSP-0-25-Alpha"]DarkMultiPlayer[/URL] mod. In other words, if you want access to all our craft files including prototypes, you have to download the DMP mod, install it, and then connect to our multiplayer server! :D (We believe in pushing people to start using DMP in the hopes that DMP receives the attention it deserves!) Therefore, you can now DOWNLOAD AND TRY OUT ALL CRAFTS AND PROTOTYPES on our MULTIPLAYER SERVER, as well as FLY YOUR CERTIFICATION RUNS ON THE SERVER! The old SSI Universe savegame file is no longer shared, and we've retired our dropbox as a result. You can download DMP here: [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-0-KSP-0-25-Alpha"]DarkMultiPlayer[/URL]. Install DMP to your GameData folder, then launch KSP! The DMP mod is noninvasive. After installing DMP and loading KSP, connect to our server here: [B]ssi.kerbalcentral.com port 6702[/B]. Go check it out today! When in the game, from your DMP menu, you can select the Craft button to access the craft library uploaded by any of our engineers below. Our Spacecraft Exchange General Catalog will still remain updated with new certified craft and third party links such as to CurseForge, and others. But if you want all craft in one download or one place, you have to visit our multiplayer server!

If you wish to submit a craft to the SSI General Catalog, then welcome to one of the most challenging, demanding, and often frustrating technical design corporations ever in existence. If your craft succeeds its certification trial and is accepted by SSI, it will truly be featured as one of KSPs finest engineering marvels ever published on the Spacecraft Exchange. You may upload to the DMP Craft library any prototype you wish to share, or have others test. Only craft that have completed the certification requirements for its class are allowed to have the "SSI" prefix when uploaded to the Craft library or flown in the SSI universe. You may self-certify your own craft. But you must document your certification per the requirements below.

AnalogAddict - Engineer
Apatheticjester - Engineer
Bouncingbunny - Engineer
Captain Sierra - Engineer
Cruzan - Engineer
Damaske - Engineer
Exothermos - Engineer
FCISuperGuy - Engineer (K-Drive Series Lead)
inigma - Engineer (Type Series Lead)
Lojik - Engineer (SSI Logistics Division Lead)
Levelord - Engineer
montyben101 - Engineer
mrmcp1 - Engineer
Narcosis - Engineer
Rezolution - Engineer
Rune - Engineer
Veeltch - Engineer
Xoknight - Engineer (MMU Division Lead)
Asheron04 - Tester

[B]Freelance Engineers:[/B]
Ben 9072
Speeding Mullet

[U][B]Organization Type[/B][/U]
We are an open submission cooperative style organization. We accept submissions from SSI engineers, other companies, or independent designers (engraved above as freelance engineers). If a design looks like it meets the description above in this post, SSI engineers will test its capabilities to meet the goals, or tweak it until it does. We might even pilfer ideas from others and modify them if they are close to what we are looking for. SSI engineers reserve the right to rename classes as fits a design, its behavior, or its place in the General Catalog, and have access to the SSI Dropbox of all SSI craft files. Sign on as an engineer today to reserve your class name!

[U][B]Restrictions and Allowances[/B][/U]
1. Stock parts.
2. Minimalistic design (under 100 parts).
3. No more than 33% fuel tank clipping of the same fuel type.* All other clipping is allowed and highly encouraged.
4. Craft footprint must meet the size and shape requirements of the class.

*For example Jet Fuel and RCS tank clipping is allowed, but not two rocket fuel tanks more than 33% (we may bend at 50% if it is critical to meet footprint requirements). This rule is simply to avoid our certified craft of being accused of fuel cheating.

[U][B]Certification Process[/b][/U]
1. You must submit a link to your craft file.
2. You must submit a control manual indexing all custom craft controls.
3. You must submit a flight profile or sequence of steps to achieve orbit from Kerbin*, as well as any special landing and other instructions as needed.**
4. You must submit an imgur album of your certification flight showing every step of your flight profile, as well as undoctored pics of actual target requirements met for the class. All certification screenshots must show your craft resource levels at all times where applicable. An edited certification video in lieu of an imgur album is also acceptable (and is preferred).
5. You must submit a link to your own Spacecraft Exchange thread in order for your craft to be published in our General Catalog. Feel free to follow the thread title format of the Proton III in my signature below for ideas on how to title your Spacecraft Exchange thread.
6. You must post all required items above in a single post in this main SSI thread along with your desired craft name, and the class you wish to certify for.

*For obvious reasons, MMUs, CMUs, and ESUs are exempt from providing a flight profile.
**ESUs must provide a landing sequence profile.

[B][U]Current Kinds (In Order of Range):[/U][/B]
[B]Manned Maneuvering Units (MMU)[/B] - personal command chair units
[B]Cargo Management Units (CMU)[/B] (aka workbee/workpod) - station and ship construction and transfer craft
[B]Emergency Support Units (ESU)[/B] (aka lifepod/escape pod) - landing airless or vacuum craft or both
[B]Orbital Transfer Vehicles (OTV)[/B] (aka shuttlepod) - capable of less than Shuttlecraft certification
[B]Aeroshuttles (AS)[/B] (atmospheric landing only) - OTVs that can't land on an airless body
[B]Shuttlecraft[/B] - capable of undocking 120km, landing at KSC, and redocking at 120k without refueling
[B]Runabouts[/B] - larger than a shuttlecraft in footprint/size

[B]Manned Maneuvering Units (MMU)[/B]
Certification Requirements: Any command chair crafts meant for navigating stations and ship exteriors are classified as MMUs.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]

-1 denotes number it was first MMU craft certified by SSI

[B]Cargo Management Units (CMU)[/B]
Certification Requirements: Any autonomous or enclosed maneuvering unit containing docking ports for picking up and moving parts and spacecraft around stations. Such craft usually have RCS and a number of docking ports and access to docking port adapters to be able to act as nearby space station tugs.

[I]Name Format Examples:[/I]
SSI CMU-4j Workbee Phoenix
SSI CMU-6cs Workpod Phoenix

-Workbee denotes autonomous craft but can also be manned
-Workpod denotes manned craft only
-4 denotes number of ports
-6 denotes number of ports
-j denotes craft contains Docking Port Jr.
-cs denotes craft contains at least one standard Docking Port and at least one Docking Port Senior
-Phoenix is a craft name

[B]Emergency Support Units (ESU)[/B]
Certification Requirements: Any landing craft intended to land on various bodies in a one-way trip. All ESUs contain a docking port to dock with rescue ships.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]
SSI Phoenix (ESU-2AV7 Escape Pod)

-Phoenix is a craft name
-2 denotes number of occupants possible
-A denotes atmospheric landing capable
-V denotes airless landing capable
-7 denotes airless landing value as capable of landing on the Mun (see chart below)

[B]Orbital Transfer Vehicles (OTV)[/B]
Any craft that meets the shuttlecraft footprint, but is not able to fully certify as a shuttlecraft for any reason, but can still land on the Mun and return to a 10km orbit.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]
SSI Phoenix (OTV-1B Shuttlepod)

-Phoenix is a craft name
-1 is the number of Kerbals it can carry
-B is the highest orbital altitude target range achievable when launched from KSC (see chart below)

[B]Aeroshuttles (AS)[/B]
Any craft that meets the shuttlecraft footprint, but is not able to fully certify as a shuttlecraft for any reason, and can not land on an airless body such as Minmus or the Mun.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]
SSI Phoenix (AS-1B Aeroshuttle)

-Phoenix is a craft name
-1 is the number of Kerbals it can carry
-B is the highest orbital altitude target range achievable when launched from KSC (see chart below)

Any craft whose width is less than five [URL="http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FL-T800_Fuel_Tank"]FL-T800 Fuel Tanks[/URL] wide, and less than two [URL="http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FL-T800_Fuel_Tank"]FL-T800[/URL] fuel tanks long, and is capable of undocking from a 120k station, landing at KSC, and redocking at 120k all without refuelling. SSI Engineers have final say on accepting a craft's footprint as meeting this class.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]
SSI Phoenix II (Type-3B Shuttlecraft)

-Phoenix is a craft name
-3 number of kerbals it can carry
-B roundtrip distance target range (see chart below)
-II is the second variation of the craft. You may specify any variation designation: (I,1,Mk.1,a,A, etc.)

Any craft whose width is larger than five [URL="http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FL-T800_Fuel_Tank"]FL-T800 Fuel Tanks[/URL] wide, or longer than two [URL="http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FL-T800_Fuel_Tank"]FL-T800[/URL] fuel tanks long, and is capable of undocking from a 120k station, landing at KSC, and redocking at 120k all without refuelling. SSI Engineers have final say on accepting a craft's footprint as meeting this class.

[I]Name Format Example:[/I]
SSI Phoenix II (Type-3B Runabout)

-Phoenix is a craft name
-3 number of kerbals it can carry
-B roundtrip distance target range (see chart below)
-II is the second variation of the craft. You may specify any variation designation: (I,1,Mk.1,a,A, etc.)

[B][U]Certified Craft Target Ranges[/U][/B]

[B]Escape Pods[/B]
[I]Airless Landing dV values for escape pods:[/I]

1 - Gil 30
2 - Pol 130
3 - Minmus 180
4 - Bop 220
5 - Ike 390
6 - Dres 430
7 - Mun 580
8 - Eeloo 620
9 - Vall 860
10 - Moho 870
11 - Tylo 2270

[B]Shuttlepods & Aeroshuttles[/B]
[I]Orbital altitudes possible from KSC[/I]
A - 70km-80km
B - 80km-90km
C - 90km-100km
D - 100km-110km
E - 110km-120km

[B]Shuttlecraft & Runabouts[/B]
[I]More than 120k Station Round Trip Range (and One Way Trip Range) from Kerbin Designations:[/I]
A - Minmus Roundtrip (Mun)
B - Mun Roundtrip (Ike, Gilly, Duna)
C - Ike Roundtrip (Gilly, Duna)
D - Gilly Roundtrip (Duna, Pol, Dres, Vall, Jool Low Orbit, Eeloo)
E - Duna Roundtrip (Pol, Dres, Vall, Jool Low Orbit, Eeloo)
F - Pol Roundtrip (Dres, Vall, Jool Low Orbit, Eeloo, Tylo, Bop, Moho, Laythe)
G - Dres Roundtrip (Vall, Jool Low Orbit, Eeloo, Tylo, Bop, Moho, Laythe)
H - Vall Roundtrip (Jool Low Orbit, Eeloo, Tylo, Bop, Moho, Laythe)
I - Jool Low Orbit Roundtrip (Eeloo, Tylo, Bop, Moho, Laythe)
J - Eeloo Roundtrip (Tylo, Bop, Moho, Laythe)
K - Tylo Roundtrip (Bop, Moho, Laythe)
M - Bop Roundtrip (Moho, Laythe)
N -Moho Roundtrip (Laythe, Eve)
O -Laythe Roundtrip (Eve)
P -Eve Roundtrip (Low Kerbol Orbit)
Q - Low Kerbol Orbit Roundtrip

So a Type-2E shuttlecraft is capable of carrying two Kerbals on a round trip to Duna, but is also theoretically capable of making a one way trip to Pol, Dres, Vall, Jool Low Orbit, or even Eeloo since the delta V requirements are the same or less.

Pictures, Videos, Descriptions, Flight Profiles, and links for of all Certified SSI Crafts can be found here:
[B][url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/48676-Shuttlecraft-Systems-Inc-General-Catalog]SSI Shuttlecraft Systems General Catalog[/url] - Spacecraft Exchange official thread.[/B]

All our craft files, including prototypes are found published/shared in one place: our DMP multiplayer server [URL="http://d-mp.org/p/slist"]ssi.kerbalcentral.com[/URL] port 6702 in the craft library from the DMP menu. Once downloaded from the multiplayer server craft library, they will appear in your KSP_win\saves\DarkMultiPlayer\Shipsfolder from which you can copy and paste into other savegames as desired.

Once you've installed DarkMultiPlayer and configured it to connect to SSI's server, you are welcome to check out the following certification targets.

SSI Kerman Island Base
SSI Minmus Base
SSI Mun Base
SSI Duna Base

[U]Stations[/U] (All Stations are above 120km orbit)
Spacedock (SSIS)
SSI Certification Station Alpha
SSI Certification Station Bravo
SSI Certification Station Charlie
SSI Duna Station

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