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So AFAIK multiplayer is still a definite planned KSP feature - but beyond that not much is known.

This thread is really just for discussing what people think multiplayer will be like, when/if you think it will come, what you would want in it, etc. Also for pooling any multiplayer-related information that gets released.

I'd be surprised if a thread like this hasn't already been created in the past, but there doesn't seem to be one active recently, so I figured I might as well make one.

EDIT: Literally the moment I started this I saw another similar thread GregroxMun created earlier today. Oops :(
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[quote name='EdusacconBR']KSP Multiplayer = Griefing,exploding stations, unwanted docking and someome destroying the planet[/QUOTE]

That can be fixed with server options. And honestly, the community is fairly nice so that not something really to worry about.
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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