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Determine a part type?

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If I made a custom part and wrote a custom module for it, how would I determine if the part attached to my custom part, is of a certain type; like engine, wing, torque wheel, etc.

better yet, how would I do the above for all parts on a vessel, not just the attached one. Edited by Xyphos
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[quote name='JPLRepo']By defining it in the part config file and adding the appropriate partmodules for your part.

that's not what I asked. here's a picture.

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attached parts are part.parent and/or part.children if I remember correctly. Also, you don't really identify a part, you identify it's modules. Engines for example all have a module that is or extends from ModuleEngines (this includes just about every mod engine as well):
[code]part.Modules.GetModules<ModuleEngines>().count > 0[/code]

Doing it for the entire vessel just requires doing a recursive search of each parts parent and children if you care about the number of parts between the part with the module and the part you're checking, or iterating over vessel.parts if you dont Edited by Crzyrndm
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[quote name='Xyphos']that's not what I asked. here's a picture.


Ok. I see. You would need to traverse the parts in your vessel there is a field that has the id of what it's attached to and then you can get the part type. Is this in the VAB or flight? I'm not near my computer now so I can't look it up for you.

Still not near computer but did a forum search.
Look at this thread. Talks about surface attached but you can do the same for attachnode attachments.
[url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112204-SOLVED-surface-Attached-Parts?p=1768059&viewfull=1#post1768059[/url] Edited by JPLRepo
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