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Forgot to fill the ore tanks and this is what it gives me


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So. Remember the [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/139478-Sea-Car-4"]Sea Car 4[/URL]? It was a prototype for my entry into the Deep Diver Challenge. It was unbalanced and sunk. With someone in it. [COLOR=#696969]They're[/COLOR] still [COLOR=#696969]there[/COLOR] in [COLOR=#696969]their[/COLOR] sub :D. Then there was the Sea Car 4B. It was more balanced than the 4, but it explodes every time I use the transfer capsule thing. Thankfully the only person inside the 4b got into the pod connected to the ore tanks before everything else fell off the sub. It was my entry into the challenge.

Anyway, I built a new one. The Sea Car 5 is a new and improved submarine. It features balanced mass, verified by the SPH's very own centre-of-mass detector. It has eight RTGs. It can theoretically fit 5 kerbals! One condition, though. If you don't fill the ore tanks, it isn't a sub.

I discovered this by riding it into the water. Then I checked the tanks and voila. Dangit. XD

It actually goes really fast on the water. Top speed was 40.1m/s, or 144.36 kilometres an hour. Highway speeds, or more.

I decided to take it to the Island Airbase. Trip took 19 minutes ingame but I had phys warp on for most of the time so for me it was a shorter wait.

Here it is, cruising about 3/8 of the way there.

Approaching the island.

I had to drive up a cliff. Like a 45-degree angle. It got up to 8 or so m/s on the slope. Then it got up onto flattish land and started going 12m/s. I tried to brake and this happened.

Maybe they can "borrow" some of the old parts in one of the buildings and attach some old, 0.90-year-old, rusted, dented, on-fire rocket engine to their pod and fly back to KSC. Actually, you know what, they won't be able to do that. :D Edited by Findthepin1
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[quote name='Xavven']Very interesting! I wonder, can you attach some rover wheels to it and make it an amphibious sub?[/QUOTE]
There are plane wheels on the bottom. They're closed in the pictures. That was how I got it onto the island and how I got it onto the water in the first place.
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