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AMD and ATI graphics since .25 to 1.0


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ATI 1GB HD 4850 series Radeon, AMD dual core Athlon 64 X2 2.8 Ghz and 4GB of ram and Windows 7 I can run games brand new on this system with medium graphics and some with ultra high settings I think it is a possibility the shader ability is messed up cause most games can't display proper shaders LOD and shadows since I'm an amateur I can't say the real cause ATI catylst controller and amd fusion don't help any performance at all I know shadows in some games just don't work but in kerbal with lowest graphics it runs like a boss no uproblems the 800,000+ and 1.2+ million bites of memory and 100% cup load when running it

My graphics have to always be set the lowest cause no matter what I can do and what I know my GPU can do it's still crashes with the display and graphics set any higher any ideas?

Other than replacement and upgrades and updates and no I will not change to Windows 10 its crap till the second service pack is out for it even then I don't like the new start menus style i've seen on it

Eric Edited by USA1045
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