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Hard Points! (Artificial symmetry)

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What about the ability to select parts and designate them as paired/group for symmetry. Then you can save them or something and put stuff on those locations and use symetry like they were in symetry to begin with. Could somethingl ike this get over the limitation in symmetry that currently exit. You could even possibly mark them as 1 and 2 through whatever or click them in the order of their pairing to place items. Or just let them work in tangent as symetry based items. If you make the computer act like they are in a symetrical location in some manner you could allow parts to be placed more easily where you want them and have some more ways to make craft. Maybe simplifying current designs or extending the current game to have multiple symetry locations. The hardpoints could be color coated or be stored and numbered differently and even allow single parts to be part of different symmetry groups. But you may have to allow designation of which group you are working with. Possibly being accomplished via pre clicking the part in some symmetry mode and maybe clicking the symmetry or some other button until you get to the group you want. Then place the items and you know which group it will work from.

The group could have an artificial lined version or box representing it possibly showing it's logical symmetrical positioning in a separate location in the VAB/SPH. You could use these place and or see its logical symmetry separate from it's physical location. This could be activated in a special mode. The parts acts like it is in the logical location while being visually represented in the physical one. If you allow moving or parts in the logical or physical it could allow turning of parts in ways the current system does not allow. Meaning if a part is not located how you want, say rotation, you could rotate the logical part and it would turn without turning the rest and adjust the logical making is so you can adjust things as you want and making their orientation separate from their symmetry logic or their physical location. Whatever other logic you could pull from this could allot a much better and easier vehicle creation process. It could also allow any number of parts to be placed potentially in symmetry. This could all then be still manipulated by the current tools. This would give ability to make many things you currently cannot and make it much easier to correct mistakes among other things. Edited by Arugela
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