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[stock] AKSTechnologies: Low Part Count Military/Sci-Fi Designs


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Welcome to AKSTechnologies, specializing in low part count vessels.  While 1.2 has significantly improved performance, part counts are still important and thus a new rule of 500 parts maximum per combat vessel is in place (only cinematic stuff like flagships go higher).  The primary focus is capital ships and star-fighters, with a mix of other stuff like ground units and support ships like fuel tankers or whatnot.





[AKS] HK-201


Sub-Capital Ships

[AKS] SK-002


[AKS] SK-003


[AKS] SK-006


Capital Ships

[AKS] SK-101


[AKS] SK-104


[AKS] SK-203 "Aurora"


[SFS] Cylon Basestar Replica:


[SFS]Mercury Class Basestar Replica


[KDY] Venator Class Star Destroyer Replica


Planetary Defense Hardware

[ED] Orbital Defense Cannon


[AKS] Orbital Defense Cannon


[AKS] LRM Battery



New Craft Repository

And the old one in case anyone wants to use some of the historic warships from the old days...

https://www.This website cannot be used on these forums/folder/mt47183f9y8vw/AKS_Craft_Repository


And for those interested, a short comic that im working on:  Operation New Beginning

This is ONLY a craft repository/showcase thread, aside from a name and logo, there is nothing company related here at all, all craft are built by panzer1b.

Edited by panzer1b
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On 1/16/2016 at 4:10 PM, Iago said:

Can I request a heavy fleet fighter version of the HK? (or an SSTO corvette)

Id love to make an SSTO capital ship, but sadly the new aero makes that near impossible while maintaining a reasonable level of armor protection and firepower (not to mention being able to get anywhere).

As for a heavy fighter, the 101 is basically my mainstream fighter which kinda fullfills all roles from direct fighting to long range support to bomber (although its not particularly good at the latter).  Im working on a more specialized heavier model that will be used as a kinda dropship/bomber, and well it can always be outfitted for space combat.  Once finished ill upload it here (i need it for upcoming ground warfare battle im working towards, ofc once 1.1 hits as the curent lagfest is making me tear my eyes out with more then a few small ships loaded at once).

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New hot-swappable gunpod system ive developed is just amazing.  It finally solves the painfully annoying problem of resupplying a ship thats out of ammo, i just dump the entire weapons array and get a new one in its place!  Downsides include easier time degunning my ships, but hey, for every upside there is gonna be some weakness, and its not like my ships have a single weapons location, so shoot one SRM off, and there are still 3+ others in various areas not to mention alternative weapons too.


That and the dual SRM-6 mount on the new SK-CRV-IVg3 is so good looking, tried dual SRM-3s but they didnt quite look right even if they looked more AKS styled since well, 3 way symmetry.

Now to make some smaller vessels like fighters that can take advantage of this thing, imagine how powerful dual SRM-6s would be on a bloody 10-15t fighter!


So pretty...

Edited by panzer1b
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