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Part Reduction via Geodetic Spheres and Domes Placeholders

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As I already suggested in the former Mod Request Forum:

Please think about a function that works like this:

The Players places a colony on Mun. He puts down multiple segments and connects them. Sooner or later the part count lag of this Colony will increase so much that it leads to stuttering or kraken attacks. My suggestion is that at some place in the construction tier of the science tree there will be a Geodetic Conversion Kit. It would be required to be flown near the settlement, where it is deployed. On deployment the Player may insert a certain volume of modules into a placeholder. The placeholder will be a relatively low poly low part count geodetic dome that may be placed by the Player. The functions of the geodetic conversion may be limited to vertain elements like batteries, capsules etc. While solar panels and other stuff might be necessary to stay outside of the dome.  Here is an example form a polar expedition:


Size and possible content of the dome might be connected to the tech level, but the purpose should be clear: Reduce the part count of colonies. And with geodetic spheres it would also work on space stations.

Edited by QPDO
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